

  • Keeping you and your pets safe from rattlesnakes

    It is common for rattlesnakes to bask in the sun on roads or trails to warm their bodies. Use caution when biking or hiking in areas with rattlesnakes. Photo courtesy of Wayne D. Lewis/CPW

    DENVER – Colorado Parks and Wildlife is sharing important information to keep you, your family and your pets safe from rattlesnakes. Recently, an 11-year old boy was bitten by a rattlesnake during a biking accident near Golden. He fortunately survived thanks to his father’s quick action.

    To learn all about rattlesnakes, please listen to our informative podcast episode discussing them by clicking here. CPW Species Conservation Coordinator Tina Jackson has spent the last 20 years learning about snakes, and she shared her knowledge of rattlesnakes in this episode.

    Why are people bitten and what is the result?
    Rattlesnakes have an elaborate defensive strategy, seeking to avoid the need for a venomous bite if possible. Most of the time, rattlesnakes will not strike at people unless they feel threatened or are deliberately provoked.

    While attacks on people are rare and usually not fatal for a healthy adult, bites are very painful and should always be taken seriously. Bites can have an increased effect on children and pets due to their smaller size.

    Ecology and Behavior
    A basic understanding of the biology and behavior of rattlesnakes can help you avoid unwanted encounters. Rattlesnakes often warm themselves in the sun, hunt, migrate and den in the same areas year after year.

    • Rattlesnakes are not built for speed, waiting in the same locations for hours, or days for a prey animal to walk by. Because of their slow speed, rattlesnakes will usually stand their ground when threatened.
    • Rattlesnakes use camouflage to blend in with their surroundings and in most cases will ignore people, thinking you cannot see them.
    • If a snake coils up, or makes a rattle noise, you are too close and should move away slowly. Stepping back just a few feet can convince the snake you are not a threat.
    • Rattlesnakes shelter in winter dens during the coldest months and resume activity in April or May, migrating several kilometers in search of food.
    • Snakes are often seen during the spring and fall when cool temperatures require them to bask in the sun on warm surfaces such as pavement or rocks near trails or roads.
    • Hunting usually occurs in the late afternoon and evening once the snakes have warmed up their bodies. When temperatures allow, rattlesnakes may also prowl for food in the early afternoon or at night.

    Awareness and Avoidance
    The best way to avoid dangerous encounters with any wildlife is awareness and avoidance. Always be aware of your surroundings using your eyes and ears, and avoid wildlife that you see or hear.

    • Watch for snakes basking in open, sunny areas such as pavements, rocks, trails or roads. It is acceptable to walk off trail to avoid them.
    • Watch where you place your hands and feet at all times, watching for areas such as rocks or logs that could be sheltering a rattlesnake.
    • Do not hike with headphones or earbuds in so you can listen for a rattlesnake’s distinctive rattle.
    • Protect your feet and ankles as they are usually closest to rattlesnakes. Sturdy leather boots afford good protection; do not hike in sandals or flip flops.
    • Use extra caution around dusk when human visibility drops. Use a light and be sure to wear boots, even in camp.
    • Travel in groups. More people means more opportunities to see or hear a snake and more people to call emergency services in the event of a bite.

    What to do if a snake is encountered
    If an encounter with a snake is unavoidable, take these precautions to stay safe:

    • Freeze in place. Snakes are often heard before they are seen. If you hear a rattlesnake, FREEZE in place until you or a companion can locate the animal. Attempting to move away from a snake you can’t see may lead you closer to it! Even if the snake is in plain view, freezing movement will reduce the threat you pose to the snake and help you calmly assess the situation.
    • Establish space between you and the snake as they can strike from a long distance. A good rule of thumb is to put at least five feet between yourself and the snake. If possible, move slowly back the way you came.
    • Leave the snake alone. NEVER, under any circumstances, should you try to catch, kill, provoke or move a rattlesnake. One-third of people who suffer snake bites were bitten as a result of trying to handle or kill the snake. Move around the rattlesnake at a safe distance out of its way.
    • If you find a snake in your home or garage, call your local wildlife officefor directions. In urban areas, many pest control companies can remove them for you.

    Keeping your pets safe
    The best way to keep your pets safe from rattlesnakes is to keep them on a six-foot leash as required on most public lands in Colorado. Dogs in particular are known to be very curious animals that ignore a snake’s defensive posturing. 

    If you live in an area where rattlesnakes are common and must let your pets outside, try to eliminate rock piles or grassy areas that could harbor snakes or common prey. Do a quick patrol of the area before letting your pets roam free. 

    Many dog training facilities in Colorado offer snake avoidance training for dogs, teaching them to avoid the sight, scent and sound of a snake.

    A rattlesnake bite can have an increased effect on pets due to their small size. In the event of a bite, seek immediate veterinary attention and call the clinic ahead of time. Do not attempt to kill or catch the snake for identification.

    What to do if a human is bitten by a rattlesnake
    According to the Colorado Poison Center, if bitten by a rattlesnake you should:

    • Call the Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222 for instructions, then go to the nearest hospital.
    • Remove any jewelry and tight fitting clothing.
    • Stay calm and avoid excess movement.
    • Do not cut and try to extract venom.
    • Do not use ice, heat, or tourniquet.
    • Do not try to capture or kill the snake.

  • Deputies search for suspects in Gun Store Burglary Spree

    CENTENNIAL – Arapahoe Sheriff Investigators are releasing surveillance video of nine suspects who burglarized five gun stores on July 9 and 10 in Centennial, Denver and Englewood. The following are the dates, time and location of the burglaries:

    ➢ July 9 at 12:05 a.m. – Centennial Gun Club, 11800 E. Peakview Ave., Centennial ➢ July 9 at 12:25 a.m. – Bowers Tactical, 6931 S. Yosemite St., Centennial
    ➢ July 9 at 5:41 a.m. – Bighorn Firearms, 2175 S. Jasmine St., Denver
    ➢ July 10 at 3:35 a.m. – The Shootist, 2980 S. Galapago St., Englewood

    ➢ July 10 at 5:30 a.m. – Mile High Armory, 785 S. Vallejo St., Denver

    The first burglary happened July 9 at 12:05 a.m. at Centennial Gun Club. When deputies arrived, they found a window had been smashed. Surveillance video shows the suspects tried to gain entry to the business but were unsuccessful. There was a total of nine suspects wearing hoodies or hooded jackets and had their faces covered with masks.

    Then, at 12:25 a.m. deputies responded to a burglary at Bowers Tactical. Upon arrival, they found the metal cover of the front door and been ripped down and the glass doors smashed in. Surveillance footage shows the same nine suspects gain entry into the business and stole ammunition, AR-15 uppers and plate carriers. The suspects then committed three more burglaries over the next 24 hours. They fled in the following vehicles:

    ➢ 2019 white Hyundai Tucson with Texas license plate #RNX5234 – stolen vehicle
    ➢ 2018 silver or gray Hyundai Sonata or 2017-2018 Hyundai Elantra with an unknown license plate ➢ Red crossover, likely a Kia Sportage
    ➢ Two black sedans, likely a Kia or Hyundai

    The suspects remain at large. The Sheriff’s Office is asking for the public’s help in trying to identify the suspects and the vehicles. If you have any information about these crimes, please contact our Investigations Tipline at 720-874-8477.

  • Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission approves standardizing regulations for permissible activities on State Wildlife Areas

    ALAMOSA, Colo. – At its June 22 meeting in Alamosa, the Parks and Wildlife Commission unanimously approved changes to regulations that standardized and clarified language for permissible activities on State Wildlife Areas. This is the next phase of work that began in 2020 to address impacts to State Wildlife Areas due to increased visitation and the impacts to wildlife habitat.

    “These revisions will help CPW protect critical wildlife habitat across the state for current and future generations,” said CPW Director Jeff Davis.

    Colorado Parks and Wildlife manages about 350 State Wildlife Areas. SWAs are paid for primarily by sportspersons and managed for the benefit of wildlife. These areas may also offer wildlife-related recreation and potentially opportunities for other forms of recreation when not in conflict with wildlife or wildlife recreation.  

    In December 2019, the Area Wildlife Managers, in consultation with CPW staff managing the SWAs, began analyzing what negative impacts were occurring and coming up with ideas and solutions to these problems.

    To help manage increasing recreation at SWAs, CPW began requiring either a valid hunting or fishing license, or an SWA access pass, for anyone 16 or older accessing most SWAs.

    Additionally, a working group of CPW staff and stakeholders proposed updates to the SWA general provisions (regulations applicable to all SWAs) and property-specific regulations. General provisions are regulations that are applicable to all SWAs, except for State Trust Lands (or if explicitly allowed or disallowed in property-specific regulations). 

    The public was also invited to submit comments on the proposed changes before adoption by the Parks and Wildlife Commission. The comment period was open for a six week period from April 12 through May 24, 2023. 

    You can refer to the regulation changes document to view all of the changes (beginning on page 6) and learn more about how the changes affect SWAs near you (property specific provisions begin on page 13).

    While the general provision changes include new restrictions, some restrictions may not apply to all SWAs (e.g., allowing camping at certain properties). 

    These new regulatory changes will go into effect on August 1, but Lamb said CPW wildlife officers would be implementing an education campaign for the first year to ensure everyone is aware of how new regulations may be affecting their favorite SWA before handing out citations for any violations of new regulations.

    “Making these updates to our regulations was the culmination of a lot of hard work by staff, stakeholders and with key input from the public throughout the process,” said Lamb. 

    The 2023 Colorado State Recreation Lands Brochure has all the updated regulations for SWAs and will be available online and in CPW offices in early August.

  • CCA Honors Two Steadfast Industry Leaders!

    LAKEWOOD, Colo. – On Tuesday evening, June 20th during the Colorado Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) Annual Convention “Mountain Meat-Up” banquet, awards were presented to individuals who have made a significant impact on the industry. Of these award winners was T. Wright Dickinson, who received CCA’s Honorary Lifetime Membership, which is the highest honor given by CCA to those who go above and beyond in their roles in the industry to give back to not only the association, but the broader agricultural community.
    Additionally, CCA honored Brice Lee as an honoree of the Colorado Cattlemen’s Foundation Endowment Trust.  The Endowment Trust began in 1959 as an idea to help secure a financial future for the association and today, it continues with this mission. One form of support to the Endowment Trust is through contributions made in memory of a family member or friend. This has provided many with a way to help the Endowment Trust and remember those who have been a part of the beef cattle industry.
    T. Wright Dickinson receiving the CCA Honorary Lifetime Membership Award, presented to him by (left) Janie VanWinkle and (middle) Mike Camblin. 
    T. Wright Dickinson – CCA Honorary Lifetime Membership Award Recipient
    T. Wright Dickinson is a proud, fourth generation rancher at The Vermillion Ranch. The ranch, which was founded in 1885, spans the corners of three states – northwestern Colorado, southeastern Utah, and Southwestern Wyoming, with high elevation and vast rangelands. T. Wright operates the ranch in partnership with his family, including his parents, Wright and Polly, and siblings. He labels himself as the ranch mechanic and politician of the family, but those who know him say that even with his ranch responsibilities, T. Wright has gone above and beyond in his dedication and time served for the industry. 

    T. Wright has been an engaged member and leader with industry organizations, including Public Lands Council, NCBA, and Colorado Cattlemen’s Association. T. Wright was CCA president from 2012-2013 and is among only a few others to be a second generation president after his father, Wright, served as president in 1986-1987. Looking toward the advancement of the industry and protection of agriculture, T. Wright was directly involved in the development of Partners for Western Conservation and the Colorado Habitat Exchange. He also helped to design and initiate the Bureau of Land Management Resource Advisory Councils in Colorado and was appointed by both Democratic and Republican governors to serve on the Northwest Council.

    In addition to his industry involvement, T. Wright has been a champion for agriculture and the western way of life in additional capacities. He served in leadership roles with Great Outdoors Colorado and Club20. He also served many water-related roles, including as a governor’s appointment to the State Inter-basin Compact Committee and as a director on the Colorado River Water Conservation District Board. T. Wright was also a Moffat County commissioner and was term-limited after serving two terms. 

    During his years of local, state, and national experiences, T. Wright is highly respected for his knowledge and passion for the agriculture industry as well as his ability to “tell it how it is” for those who may need a quick reminder.

    CCA extends our gratitude to T. Wright for his steadfast commitment not just as a leader, but to the agricultural community as a whole, specifically CCA. We appreciate T. Wright’s continued involvement in the association and thank him for his advice and service.
    The late Brice Lee, Honoree of the Colorado Cattlemen’s Foundation Endowment Trust.
    Brice Lee – Honoree of the Colorado Cattlemen’s Foundation Endowment Trust
    Brice Lee was a proud rancher from the tough country of Hesperus, Colorado where he started his beloved Hereford herd. However, Brice, along with his late wife Phyllis, made their mark outside their southwestern corner. Brice’s mentorship and guidance was the guiding light for not only those from his Colorado home, but on a national scale as well. From his federal lands expertise to the wealth of water knowledge, you could count on Brice to protect our industry. 

    Brice was involved on the local level at La Plata County Cattlemen’s Association as a member and past president and countless local boards and commissions, particularly water focused. On the state level, Brice was on the CCA Board of Directors for 16 years, serving as President from 1994-1995, and heavily involved in the Colorado Public Lands Council as both a director and chair. Nationally, Brice was dedicated to advocating for public lands grazers as he served as a national PLC Officer for 6 years and was the PLC President from 2012-2014. Brice also proud to have been as a gubernatorial appointee on the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission for nine years. 

    He and his wife Phyllis had a particular passion for supporting and influencing young people, which is demonstrated through their longtime JCCA scholarship and the many 4-H and La Plata County fair events they attended and supported. Brice will be missed, but his legacy will not only live on through his family, but through each rancher, member, and junior who had the opportunity to meet him.
  • The Mañanas perform at the 2023 Anythink Backyard Concert Series

    WHAT:            Anythink’s Backyard Concert Series, presented by Amazon, continues on Friday, July 14 with Denver-based power pop/garage rock band, The Mañanas. The Backyard Concert Series is a family-friendly summer event that celebrates music and community while also raising funds for the Anythink Foundation. Hosted at the beautiful one-acre park adjacent to Anythink Wright Farms, these concerts are just one way that Anythink continues to establish itself as a cultural destination in Adams County and the greater metro area. The show is free and open to all ages. Sandwiches from Nosh Catering, frozen treats from Em’s Ice Cream, wine from The Infinite Monkey Theorem and beer from Great Divide are available for purchase on-site. This year, the Anythink Foundation will use proceeds raised to support efforts to make the performing arts more accessible to all in 2024. From free passes to local performances and immersive theater productions at a local Anythink, the money raised will allow the library to bring this critical art form to Adams County residents of all ages and backgrounds. Supporters can donate online or in-person at the concerts.
    WHEN:            Friday, July 14; doors at 5:30 pm, performance from 6:30-8:30 pm
    WHERE:           Anythink Wright Farms, 5877 E. 120th Ave., Thornton, CO 80602
  • Guest lineups for the Sunday news shows

    WASHINGTON (AP) __ ABC’s “This Week” __ Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy;
    White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby.


    NBC’s “Meet the Press” __ Govs. Doug Burgum, R-N.D., a presidential candidate,
    and Phil Murphy, D-N.J.


    CBS’ “Face the Nation “Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen; Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del.; Gov. Spencer Cox, R-Utah; Oksana Markarova, Ukraine`s ambassador to the United States; Kate Calvin, NASA`s chief scientist and senior climate adviser.


    CNN’s “State of the Union” __ Reps. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, and Barbara Lee, D-


    “Fox News Sunday” __ Sens. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., and Tim Kaine, D-Va.; former
    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican presidential candidate.

    Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

  • Arrest warrant issued for father of four missing children

    CENTENNIAL – Arapahoe Sheriff Investigators have obtained an arrest warrant for violation of a child custody order for Howard Myles, 47, the father of four children, ages 4-9, who have been missing from Centennial, Colorado since June 30. Investigators believe Myles took the children and may be headed to Louisiana where they are from. They also believe the children’s mother, Clarissa Gardette, is with them. There are active warrants for her arrest as well.

    The children were living in a foster care home and Howard Myles had a weekend visit with them, per court order. He picked up the children at 3:45 p.m. on June 30 and was supposed return them on July 2, but failed to show up. Gardette has supervised visits only.

    Investigators are actively looking for Myles and Gardette in conjunction with the above warrants and to return the children to safety. The children are believed to be in immediate danger due to a history of neglect, child abuse, drugs, domestic violence, weapons charges and previous dangerous situations they have been placed in.

    Investigators are also releasing new photos of the children and their parents, in hopes the public will recognize them and contact their local law enforcement agency. Investigators believe Myles may be headed out of state with the children. He has ties to Baton Rouge and New Orleans, Louisiana, as well as Dallas, Texas.

    On July 2, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation issued an Endangered Child Alert with descriptions of the children, their father and the vehicle they may be in. If you have any information on this crime, please call our dispatch center at 303-795-4711 or the Metro Denver Crime Stoppers Tip Line at 720-913-STOP (720-913-7867). You can remain anonymous and be eligible for a reward of up to $2,000.Missing ChildrenHeaven, Israel, Jehoward, Jyrone

  • Mosquitoes in four Colorado counties test positive for West Nile virus

    STATEWIDE (July 6, 2023) —  State health officials are reminding Coloradans to take steps to protect themselves from West Nile virus after finding mosquitoes with the virus in Boulder, Delta, Weld, and Larimer counties. This is the first time this season that mosquitoes with the virus have been detected in Colorado. Local health officials in all four counties found the mosquitoes during routine monitoring for West Nile virus. Some local health agencies, including in Boulder, Delta, Weld, and Larimer counties, test mosquitoes for West Nile virus throughout the summer when mosquito activity is highest in Colorado.

    While most people infected with West Nile virus don’t have symptoms, some can develop a serious, potentially deadly illness. In 2022, Colorado had 206 reported human cases of West Nile virus, including 20 deaths. People aged 60 years and older and those with certain medical conditions are at greater risk of serious illness. Talk with a health care provider if you develop severe headaches or begin experiencing confusion.

    West Nile virus is most commonly spread to people by the bite of an infected mosquito. In Colorado, most human cases of West Nile virus are reported in August and September. To protect yourself:

    • Use insect repellents when you go outdoors. Repellents containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or para-menthane-diol products provide the best protection. For more information about insect repellents, visit the

      EPA’s information webpage

      . Always follow label instructions.
    • Limit outdoor activities at dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active.
    • Wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and socks in areas where mosquitoes are active. Spray clothes with insect repellent for extra protection.

    In addition to eliminating standing water around your home weekly, you can also mosquito-proof your home by installing or repairing screens on windows and doors.

    You can find additional data going back to 2003 on CDPHE’s West Nile virus webpage, which is updated weekly throughout the season.
  • Mosquitoes in four Colorado counties test positive for West Nile virus


    STATEWIDE (July 6, 2023) —  State health officials are reminding Coloradans to take steps to protect themselves from West Nile virus after finding mosquitoes with the virus in Boulder, Delta, Weld, and Larimer counties. This is the first time this season that mosquitoes with the virus have been detected in Colorado. Local health officials in all four counties found the mosquitoes during routine monitoring for West Nile virus. Some local health agencies, including in Boulder, Delta, Weld, and Larimer counties, test mosquitoes for West Nile virus throughout the summer when mosquito activity is highest in Colorado.

    While most people infected with West Nile virus don’t have symptoms, some can develop a serious, potentially deadly illness. In 2022, Colorado had 206 reported human cases of West Nile virus, including 20 deaths. People aged 60 years and older and those with certain medical conditions are at greater risk of serious illness. Talk with a health care provider if you develop severe headaches or begin experiencing confusion.

    West Nile virus is most commonly spread to people by the bite of an infected mosquito. In Colorado, most human cases of West Nile virus are reported in August and September. To protect yourself:

    • Use insect repellents when you go outdoors. Repellents containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or para-menthane-diol products provide the best protection. For more information about insect repellents, visit the

      EPA’s information webpage

      . Always follow label instructions.
    • Limit outdoor activities at dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active.
    • Wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and socks in areas where mosquitoes are active. Spray clothes with insect repellent for extra protection.

    In addition to eliminating standing water around your home weekly, you can also mosquito-proof your home by installing or repairing screens on windows and doors.

    You can find additional data going back to 2003 on CDPHE’s West Nile virus webpage, which is updated weekly throughout the season.
  • Chatfield State Park swimming access closed due to E. coli levels

    LITTLETON, Colo. – Colorado Parks and Wildlife has temporarily closed swimming access from the swim beach area at Chatfield State Park due to elevated E. coli levels. Bi-weekly water quality testing showed unsafe bacteria levels above Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment requirements, Thursday morning. The swim area will remain closed until water sample testing shows a decrease in E. coli presence.

    Park employees are placing signs notifying visitors of the closure at the entrance, bathrooms, beach area and other visible portions of Chatfield. Boating access and hand-launched vessels will not be restricted during the closure.

    CPW notified CDPHE and the Jefferson County Health Department of the testing results. Regular water quality testing in natural swimming areas is mandated by CDPHE and the Colorado Board of Health during the swimming season to ensure public health.

    The park’s website and CPW Northeast Region Twitter account will announce when the swim area will reopen. Read more about CDPHE’s guidelines for swim beach monitoring on the department’s website.