
Author: I-70 Scout

  • Health and Safety Advisory: Dune Valley Farms, LLC

    July 14, 2022 – The Colorado Department of Revenue (DOR), in conjunction with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), is issuing a health and safety advisory due to the identification of potentially unsafe levels of Total Yeast and Mold contamination on Pre-Rolled Marijuana produced by Dune Valley Farms, LLC. The CDPHE and DOR deem it a threat to public health and safety when marijuana is found to have Total Yeast and Mold levels above the acceptable limits established by Colorado Marijuana Rule 4-115.

    Through an investigation, the DOR has identified Pre-Rolled Marijuana that was untested, and in certain cases, were confirmed to contain levels of contaminants above the acceptable limits for Total Yeast and Mold. As a result, the CDPHE and the DOR deem the Pre-Rolled Marijuana to be a potential threat to public health and safety. The contaminated Pre-Rolled Marijuana was sold to consumers from the Harvest Batches listed below.

    Consumers who have these affected Pre-Rolled Marijuana in their possession should destroy them or return them to the Retail Marijuana Store from which they were purchased for proper disposal. Consumers who experience adverse health effects from consuming the Pre-Rolled Marijuana should seek medical attention immediately and report the event to the Marijuana Enforcement Division by submitting a MED Reporting Form.

    All affected marijuana has a label affixed to the container that, at a minimum, indicates the license number of the Regulated Marijuana Business that cultivated the marijuana and the Harvest Batch number assigned to the marijuana. Consumers should check the label of their Pre-Rolled Marijuana for the following license number and Harvest Batch numbers. The product names expected to be found on the label are associated with the related Harvest Batch below.

    Retail Marijuana Cultivation Facility License: 403R-00850 Contaminated Harvest Batch Numbers and Product Names:

    page1image3690896784 page1image3690897072

    Harvest Batch Numbers


    Corresponding Product Names


    Harvest Batch Numbers


    Corresponding Product Names



    Rainbow Cookies 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Bazookies 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    95 Octane 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Cherry Cake 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Bazookies 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Cherry Diesel 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Lavender Jones 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Gelato Cake 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Bazookies 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Pakistani Chitral Kush 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Cherry Cake 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Recon OG 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Gelato Cake 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Tangidos Pre-Roll


    Zookies 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    95 Octane 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    95 Octane 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Bazookies 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Lavender Jones 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Moonboots Pre-Roll


    Moonboots 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    95 Octane 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Slazerbeam 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Bazookies 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Gorilla Glue #4 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Cherry Cake 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Mandarin Cookies Shake/Pre-Roll


    Cherry Diesel Shake/Pre-Roll


    Cherry Cake 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Gelato Cake 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    95 Octane 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Lavender Jones Pre-Roll/Lavender Jones 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    OG Brulee 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Monkey Spunk Pre-Roll/Monkey Spunk 1G TC PreRoll


    Gorilla Glue #4 Shake/Pre-Roll


    Pakistani Chitral Kush 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Rainbow Cookies 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Slazerbeam Shake/Pre-Roll/Slazerbeam 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Bazookies 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Tangidos 1g TC Preroll


    Tangidos Pre-Roll


    Moonboots 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Select Sativa Blend 1G Joints


    Mandarin Cookies 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Slazerbeam 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Monkey Spunk 1G TC PreRoll


    95 Octane 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Monkey Spunk 1G TC Preroll


    Rainbow Cookies Pre-Roll

    2021-09-22-Drying/Curing- H

    Rainbow Cookies 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Zookies Shake/Pre-Roll


    Gorilla Glue #4 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    95 Octane 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    95 Octane 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Bazookies 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Tangidos 1g TC Preroll


    Cherry Cake 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Zookies 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Monkey Spunk 1G TC PreRoll


    Gelato Cake 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Slazerbeam Shake/Pre-Roll/Slazerbeam 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    OG Brulee 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Lavender Jones 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Moonboots 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Wedding Cake 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Zookies 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Mandarin Cookies 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Pakistani Chitral Kush 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Slazerbeam Shake/Pre-Roll/Slazerbeam 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Bazookies 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Cherry Cake 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Zookies 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Rainbow Cookies 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    95 Octane 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    95 Octane 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Lavender Jones 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Lavender Jones 1 Gram TC Pre-roll


    Pineapple Trainwreck 1 Gram TC Pre-roll

  • You’re invited: Small Business Resource Fair

    Join Us! 

    Energize Colorado is hosting two resource fairs to connect small business owners with business support organizations. These organizations have funding, technical assistance, and other resources for your business. Small business owners from any area of the state and any industry are welcome. Special thanks to our partners CEDS Finance, Southern Colorado SBDC, SCEDD, NeighborWorks and the State of Colorado’s Business Intelligence Center for supporting this event.

    Join us for one or both of these events.

    • Tuesday, July 19, 4:00  – 6:00 p.m. at CEDS FINANCE (10660 East Colfax Avenue #Suite B Aurora, CO 80010)
    • Wednesday, July 27, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at NeighborWorks Southern Colorado (1241 East Routt Avenue, Pueblo, CO 81004)


    Energize Community Program Loan Application Deadline: Thursday, July 14

    The Energize Community Program (ECP) loan application is open to support small business owners located in East Colfax, Pueblo, Southwest Denver, and the Child Care Industry. Apply through the Energize Colorado website. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE THIS THURSDAY JULY 14, 2022. 

    Through ECP, Energize Colorado will deploy $5.7 million in low-interest loans directly to business owners for needs that include debt consolidation, capital improvements, payroll, rent, utilities, working capital, equipment, and inventory. Business owners are eligible to apply for up to $20,000.

    • Interest Rate: 2.5%

    • Loan Size: Up to $20,000

    • Term: Up to 36-months (3 years)

    • Loan recipients will have access to a 14-week accelerator program that is valued at $1,200.

    If you have already filled out the application registration form, you can log-in to the application portal here. Please note: you only need to fill out the form once to start an application.

    Questions? Reach out to .


    Opening a Private Practice for Therapists and Wellness Professionals | THURSDAY, JULY 14

    Join our 6-week online business foundations program to support Colorado therapists and wellness professionals with education focused on opening a Private Practice. Our next session is this Thursday, July 14th. Questions? Connect with .


    The Good Boss Evolution: Recruitment, hiring and retention strategies that get great results | WEDNESDAY, JULY 13

    Join Good Business Colorado and Energize Colorado for the next session in our Lunch and Learn Series. In this era where the tight labor market is being felt across Colorado and especially in the rural and frontier parts of the state, it is more important than ever for employers to be able to hire and retain great employees. This highly interactive session will provide attendees with an opportunity to engage with the panelists and their peers to explore insight into best practices for hiring and actionable ideas for increasing employee retention and loyalty.


  • Hemp Advisory Committee Seeking Two Members to Fill Vacancies

    The Colorado Department of Agriculture is seeking nominations for two positions on the Hemp Advisory Committee (HAC) to represent Seed Development/Genetics and Higher Education Research Institutions. While HAC members usually serve three year terms, these vacancies need to be filled for the remainder of their term that will expire on July 31, 2023. Members can serve up to three terms (9 years) on the Committee.

    The ten person Hemp Advisory Committee provides advice to the Commissioner of Agriculture by reviewing proposed rules and recommending new rules or changes to existing rules, including rules that establish CDA’s inspection program to determine THC concentration.

    HAC member responsibilities:

    • Attend quarterly meetings.
    • Assist the Commissioner and program staff in promulgating rules to carry out the Hemp Act, Title 35, Article 61.
    • Represent their industry segment as a whole, not just themselves or their company’s interests.

    Nominations will be reviewed for qualifications by CDA staff and final decisions of who will be appointed to sit on the Committee will be made by the Colorado Agricultural Commission.

    More information about the positions can be found on the Hemp Advisory Committee page. Interested candidates can submit their nominations online no later than Friday, July 15, 2022 at 5 pm.

    El Departamento de Agricultura busca dos miembros para el Comité Asesor del Cáñamo (HAC)

    Broomfield, Colorado — El Departamento de Agricultura de Colorado (CDA) está buscando nominaciones para cubrir dos puestos en el Comité Asesor del Cáñamo (HAC) para representar a las instituciones de Desarrollo de Semillas/Genética e Investigación de Educación Colegial. Aunque los miembros del HAC suelen tener un mandato de tres años, es necesario cubrir estas posiciones vacantes para lo que resta del término, que vence el 31 de julio de 2023. Los miembros pueden servir en el comité por 3 periodos (9 años).

    El Comité Asesor del Cáñamo se compone de diez personas que brindan asesoramiento al comisionado de Agricultura al revisar las regulaciones propuestas y recomendar nuevas reglas o cambios a las ya existentes, incluyendo las reglas que establecen el programa de inspección del CDA para determinar la concentración de THC.

    Responsabilidades de los miembros del HAC:

    • Asistir a las reuniones trimestrales.
    • Ayudar al comisionado y al personal del programa a promulgar reglas para ejercer la Ley del Cáñamo, Título 35, Artículo 61.
    • Representar a su sector, no sólo a sí mismo o a los intereses de su empresa.

    El personal del CDA evaluará las candidaturas para verificar calificaciones y la Comisión Agrícola de Colorado tomará la decisión final sobre quiénes serán nombrados al Comité.

    Encuentre más información sobre los puestos en la página web del Comité Asesor del Cáñamo. Los candidatos interesados pueden enviar sus nominaciones en línea, a más tardar el viernes 15 de julio de 2022 a las 5 p.m.

  • ADVISORY: Keith Molenaar named dean of the CU Boulder’s College of Engineering and Applied Science

    ADVISORY: Keith Molenaar named dean of the CU Boulder’s College of Engineering and Applied Science

    University of Colorado Boulder Provost Russell Moore today named Keith Molenaar dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Science, effective July 1.

    Moore said that in his interviews with the finalists, Molenaar’s approach impressed him on multiple levels. 

    “I was impressed by Keith’s vision for CEAS, which is grounded in values such as diversity, equity and inclusion, and which is laser-focused on student success,” said Moore. 

    Molenaar, who has been acting dean since January 2020, is the K. Stanton Lewis Professor of Construction Engineering and Management in CEAS. He received his doctoral and master’s degrees in civil engineering from CU Boulder, and his bachelor’s degree in architectural engineering also from CU Boulder. After a brief and successful appointment as an assistant professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Molenaar returned to CU Boulder in 1999 as assistant professor of civil, environmental and architectural engineering. 

    Read full story on CU Boulder Today. 

  • Local Youth Tackle Conservation Projects in Colorado’s Outdoors

    COLORADO SPRINGS and DENVER, CO – June 27, 2022–Applications are open for Mile High Youth Corps’ (MHYC) Land Conservation Fall Trail or Forestry Program. MHYC is searching for positive, hardworking individuals between the ages of 18 and 24 to spend 10-13 weeks this fall serving on environmental stewardship projects throughout Colorful Colorado. During their season, crews will complete more than 30 conservation projects spanning 23 counties and make profound impact on the community, the environment, and themselves.

    Mile High Youth Corps’ Land Conservation Program is rooted in the tradition of the Civilian Conservation Corps of the 1930s and is devoted to the improvement and sustainable development of our two most important resources – youth and the environment. Youth participants, called Corpsmembers, are assigned to a crew that works on a variety of conservation-focused projects on public lands. These include construction and maintenance of recreational and safety access trails, habitat restoration, fire fuel mitigation, historical preservation and park development projects. Corpsmembers earn a bi-weekly stipend, and are enrolled in AmeriCorps, earning a scholarship to be used towards advancing their learning after the program. They also receive up to 4 free mental health counseling sessions.

    Corpsmembers have opportunities to network with federal, state and local natural source professionals and access to a vast alumni network. Corpsmembers will also receive training in one or more stewardship skillsets, including chainsaw operation, trail building and maintenance and pesticide application. No experience is necessary, MHYC provides hands-on training related to all projects.

    Corpsmembers receive industry-recognized certifications that lead to effective service and highly- desirable qualifications and experience that support opportunities for future employment in natural resource management.

    “As Corpsmembers complete their terms and move on, often to careers in conservation, the lessons learned remain with them,” said Jesse Roehm, Director: Land Conservation for Mile High Youth Corps. “Their futures are stamped with greater knowledge and understanding of environmental concerns impacting Colorado’s natural resources. These experiences are passed on to friends and family and help to create life- long environmental stewards for generations to come.”

    Project partners scheduled for the fall include:

    • Adams County Parks and Open Space
    • Aurora Parks, Recreation and Open Space
    • Boulder Open Space & Mountain Parks
    • Cañon City Area Recreation and Park District
    • Castlewood Canyon State Park
    • Cheyenne Mountain State Park
    • Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety
    • Colorado Open Lands
    • Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services
    • Denver Parks & Recreation
    • Denver Water
    • Fishers Peak State Park
    • Green Mountain Falls
    • Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument
    • HistoriCorps
    • Lake Pueblo State Park
    • Lakewood Parks, Forestry and Open Space
    • Manitou Springs
    • Pueblo State Fish Hatchery
    • Trinidad
    • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
    • US Forest Service: – Pikes Peak Ranger District
    • US Forest Service: – San Carlos Ranger District
    • Westminster Open Space

    If you are between the ages of 18 and 24 and looking to make a difference, please consider joining Mile High Youth Corps for the fall season and earn while you learn. Apply online now at www.milehighyouthcorps.org/apply-now


    About Mile High Youth Corps

    Mile High Youth Corps (MHYC) is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization established in 1992 to give youth ages 18 to 24 a chance to earn an income and learn hands-on job skills while serving in their communities. In its first year, 20 youth served Denver neighborhoods through a single 10-week program. Today, MHYC engages more than 250 youth every year through several comprehensive programs that integrate paid work experience on community service projects with leadership development, career and college exploration, and education. During our 30 year history, Mile High Youth Corps has grown from a small, seasonal, neighborhood-based organization to a comprehensive, year-round, regional program serving 23 counties from two regional offices in Metro Denver and the Southern Front Range of Colorado. Our mission is to help youth make a difference in themselves and their community through meaningful service opportunities and educational experiences.

  • Triple-digit temps forecast for the Southwest this week

    Triple-digit temps forecast for the Southwest this week

  • Federal Resource Fair-Message from Ken Buck

    Hi Friends!
    I’ll be hosting two Federal Resource Fair events on Tuesday July 12 at 8:00 am MT and 2:00pm MT. This is a great opportunity for Coloradans to meet with federal agencyrepresentatives from the Small Business Administration, Colorado Housing and Finance Authority, and USDA Rural Development to learn about the resources, services, and jobs available in the community.

    My district staff will also be in attendance to share with you how they can assist you with federal casework, such as veterans’ benefits, Social Security, and Medicare. 

    Details for the events can be found below.
    TUESDAY, July 12th, 2022
    WHAT: Federal Resource Fair at Trinidad State College
    TIME: 8:00am-11:00am MST
    LOCATION: 600 Prospect St, Trinidad, CO 81082
    WHO: Open to public and press, including state and regional news media
    TUESDAY, July 12th, 2022
    WHAT: Federal Resource Fair at Lamar Community College
    TIME: 2:00pm-5:00pm MST
    LOCATION: 2401 S Main St, Lamar, CO 81052
    WHO: Open to public and press, including state and regional news media
    If you have questions, please be sure to contact our Castle Rock office at 720-639-9165. 
    God bless,
    Ken Buck
    Member of Congress
  • Triple-digit temps forecast for the Southwest into next week

    An active start to the North American monsoon has helped to keep temperatures relatively in check in the Southwest recently, but AccuWeather forecasters say that the chance of thunderstorms will decrease in the coming days, allowing temperatures to swell across the region.
    Much of the monsoon’s moisture has been focused over Colorado, New Mexico and southeastern Utah as of late. Farther to the west, many locations have received very little, if any, rain. When the ground is dry, the sun’s energy is not needed to evaporate moisture. Instead, the ground is heated quickly which results in higher temperatures.
    As a ‘heat dome’ shifts to the west this weekend and into next week, temperatures will be on the rise. Underneath a heat dome, sinking air causes temperatures to climb, and precipitation and cloud cover tend to be limited.
    “A resilient heat dome that has brought hot weather to the southern Plains this week will spread into the Southwest and park itself there, likely through much of next week,” said AccuWeather Meteorologist La Troy Thornton.
    One example of a city that will be under the dome of heat is Las Vegas. The last time Las Vegas had measurable rain was on March 28 when 0.1 of an inch of rain fell. This extended period of dryness will allow for efficient heating, and the mercury will rise to around 110 degrees Fahrenheit by Monday, a few degrees shy of record territory. Similar values are likely on Tuesday and Wednesday.
    People planning to visit outdoor destinations, such as Zion National Park and Arches National Park in Utah, should avoid hiking in the afternoon when temperatures are near their peak.
    Phoenix received 0.31 of an inch of rain in late June thanks to monsoonal thunderstorms. However, no measurable rain has fallen since, and the ground is fairly dry. Temperatures will rise above 110 degrees as early as the weekend and stay there through much of next week. The highest predicted temperature is 112 degrees on Monday. However, the temperature may be a degree or two lower in some Phoenix neighborhoods thanks to the city’s Cool Pavement Program aimed at reducing the intensity of the urban heat island effect.
    As high as these temperatures are expected to be, records are unlikely to be broken.
    “Record heat may be hard to come by for many locations because this is already a very warm time of year,” explained Thornton.
    Farther north, Salt Lake City has had four days above 100 degrees so far this year. That number may double or triple by the time next week comes to an end. The heat will peak a bit later in Salt Lake City, as the heat dome builds northward throughout next week.
    Since normals and records are not as high in Salt Lake City as they are in the Desert Southwest, this may be an exception to records being out of reach. The forecast high of 105 F on Saturday would surpass the correct record for the date of 102 F. The mercury could also challenge the daily record of 107 F on Wednesday, July 13.
    With moisture suppressed, the chance of monsoonal thunderstorms will be low outside of New Mexico. However, given the lack of moisture, any thunderstorms that do develop may produce more lightning than rain. These are called dry thunderstorms as most or all of the rain falling from the clouds evaporates before making it to the ground, while lightning from the storm could spark fires in the parched landscape.
    The greater focus of any thunderstorms should be on the edge of the heat dome.
    “The monsoon’s moisture will shift west and fuel spotty thunderstorms across the mountains of Nevada and California by the middle of next week,” said AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Mike LeSeney.
    It may take until next weekend for temperatures to lower somewhat as the heat dome finally begins to weaken and shift eastward over the Plains.


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  • Soil Erosion Strategies

    Soil erosion from both wind and water can happen nearly anytime in Colorado. When soil leaves a field due to wind or water, the field’s productivity is reduced. Topsoil that leaves a field is the best soil and is high in organic matter. Low organic matter soils experience reduced crop yields. In addition, blowing soil can have consequences on the field the soil is blowing into not to mention a dust storm’s effect on the environment with reduced visibility. Water erosion simply carries top soil off your field and into someone else’s or the topsoil is carried into streams and lakes as sediment. Some weather issues magnify soil erosion potential such as drought, which reduces the amount of crop residue raised and thus the amount of cover protecting a field. Summer flooding due to intense rain storms can create water runoff issues.
    The most effective soil erosion control strategy is to leave crop residues in place after harvest. This strategy insures maximum cover during winter dormant periods. Crop residue management includes practices such as reduced till, no-till, stubble mulch, strip cropping and cover cropping. Each of these methods substitutes chemical or cover weed control for tillage. Each one of these practices have advantages and disadvantages but all will help reduce both wind and water erosion potentials in a field. The bottom line is; when soil remains covered from the previous crop’s residue, both wind and water erosion will be reduced, leaving topsoil in place. Tillage, drought and flooding increase soil erosion issues.
    What can be done when wind erosion has overtaken a field? Emergency tillage is an option to suppress wind erosion. Emergency tillage strategies should include the following: use a combination of tractor speed, tillage depth, and implement shovel size to achieve the roughest soil surface with the most soil clods. Surface roughness is the number one wind erosion control strategy when wind erosion is the issue. The rougher the soil surface with more dirt clods, the more protected the field will be. This condition becomes more difficult with extremely dry soils. Try to start the emergency tillage on upward wind field locations. Till in a perpendicular direction to prevailing wind direction. Our prevailing winds mostly come from the south making an easterly-westerly tillage direction most effective, when possible. Variations of this tillage direction can still be effective. Try and skip passes (up to 50% of the field) from tillage which leaves some crop residue anchored. Tillage should not be solid. Shovel spacing of 24 to 40 inches can reduce wind erosion, depending on soil type and conditions. If a second tillage is needed later, increase the tillage depth.
    The best wind and water soil erosion control strategy is leaving past crop residues in place. However, if soil erosion from wind becomes an issue due to drought, emergency tillage can be a short-term option.
    Source: Kansas State University MF2206


    COMMENT, Like, Follow & SHARE @I70Scout