(DENVER) – The Colorado Department of Natural Resources is holding the October meeting of the Colorado Geographic Naming Advisory Board (Board). The Board was established by Governor Jared Polis to evaluate proposals concerning name changes, new names, and name controversies of geographic features and certain public places in the State of Colorado and then making official recommendations to the Governor.
The October meeting will initiate consideration of the renaming requests for Mount Evans. As with most case considerations, the evaluation by the board will take multiple meetings, including an informational and fact-finding effort, stakeholder outreach and input, presentations by the proponents of the various naming proposals, public comment and deliberation.
This meeting will include Tribal presentations and discussion on the history and events of the Sand Creek Massacre and Territorial Governor Evans’ involvement and the importance of renaming this mountain.
Six unique proposals are currently pending to rename Mount Evans (US BGN Cases 5037 (Mount Soule), 5382 (Mount Rosalie), 5479 (Mount Blue Sky), 5556 (Mount Cheyenne Arapahoe), 5585 (Mount Evans), 5766 (Mount Sisty)).
WHO: Members of the Colorado Geographic Naming Advisory Board
WHAT: October meeting of the Colorado Geographic Naming Advisory Board
WHEN: Tuesday, October 11, 2022, 6 PM to 8 PM
WHERE: Find zoom contact info at: https://dnr.colorado.gov/initiatives/colorado-geographic-naming-advisory-board
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