
Author: I-70 Scout

  • 2023’s Best States for Beekeeping

    Where can the location of your colony sweeten or sour your beekeeping journey?

    To mark World Bee Day on May 20, Lawn Love ranked 2023’s Best States for Beekeeping.

    To come up with our ranking, we compared 39 of the 50 states (with available data) based on four categories. We looked at honey production, colony loss, and apiculture classes, among 15 total metrics.

    See the five best (and five worst) states for beekeeping below, followed by key stats from our report.

    Best States for Beekeeping
    Rank State
    1 California
    2 New York
    3 North Dakota
    4 Texas
    5 Ohio
    Worst States for Beekeeping
    Rank State
    1 Wyoming
    2 Arizona
    3 Utah
    4 Nebraska
    5 Louisiana



    Key insights:

    • California cultivation: The Golden State brings home the gold medal overall and in Distribution and Support. California offers the highest number of apiculture classes and establishments. California also boasts healthy bees with the lowest average annual colony loss in our ranking.

    • Flickertail hives: Swarming to third place is North Dakota with the largest overall honey Output. The Flickertail State impresses with the biggest total honey production and the most honey-producing colonies, 520 — 215 more than the next state, California.

    • Sweet salaries: Beekeepers have the biggest opportunity to pollinate their savings accounts in Illinois (No. 10), which takes the top spot in Earning Potential. New York (No. 2) pays the highest average annual beekeeping salary, followed by Illinois and Colorado (No. 17).

    • Colony conservation: Neonics are commonly used across lawns, gardens, and farms and have devastating impacts on bee populations. To help save the bees, New York (No. 2), New Jersey (No. 22), Vermont(No. 23), and Maine (No. 30) have each passed legislation limiting the use of neonics.

    • Buzzworthy sales: There are many opportunities to sell honey in states like New York (No. 2) and Ohio (No. 5). New York leads the way in honey suppliers, while The Buckeye State takes second place. Ohio boasts the most farmers markets, followed by New York.

    • Nectar network: It’s easy for beekeepers to connect in North Carolina(No. 8), thanks to the many beekeepers associations. Tennessee (No. 18) and Kentucky (No. 29) take second and third places, respectively.

    Note: Hawaii was excluded from our sample, as USDA data for the state had not been released by the time of data collection and writing.Ten additional states were excluded both years due to lack of data.

    Helpful links:

    Want to help save the bees? Hire a local Lawn Love pro to help turn your backyard into a buzzing, bee-autiful paradise.

  • Morgan Community College Closed Memorial Day

    Fort Morgan, CO. 05/24/2023.
    Morgan Community College (MCC) Fort Morgan campus and Centers will be closed Monday, May 29 in observance of Memorial Day. All locations will reopen on Tuesday, May 30.
    In addition, the Library, Testing Center, and Tutoring Center at the Fort Morgan campus will move to summer hours beginning Monday, May 30.
    Monday through Thursday: 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
    Friday: 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
    Closed: weekends & holidays
    Testing Center:
        Monday through Thursday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
    Friday: 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
    Closed: weekends & holidays
    Tutoring Center:
        Monday through Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
    Friday: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
    Closed: weekends & holidays
    MCC staff and faculty honor those who are serving or have served in the United States Armed Forces, especially those who gave their lives in the line of duty.
  • County facilities closed for Memorial Day

    In observance of Memorial Day, Arapahoe County facilities will be closed on Monday, May 29.

  • Cherry Creek Reservoir sees historic water inflow levels

    East Lake View Road damaged by heavy rainfall
    DENVER, Colo. — Last week’s six-inches of rainfall over a three-day period caused Cherry Creek Reservoir to rise ten feet, the largest single-event increase in water levels since 1965.

    The only roadway bisecting the park, East Lake View Road, suffered the heaviest damage and washed out in two places. The road will remain closed indefinitely, as long-term repairs will be needed. Drivers can use East Cherry Creek Dam Road as an alternate route across the north side of the park.

    Colorado Parks and Wildlife is evaluating approximately 1,700 square feet of road and bank damage, ranging up to four feet deep. As high water flows continues and other draining culverts are inspected, more work may need to be completed in the impacted area.

    The high reservoir levels have submerged the east and west boat ramps. Only hand-launched vessels will be allowed until water levels recede. The swim beach is also underwater, as well as a few picnic areas on the east side of Cherry Creek State Park.

    Many hiking and biking trails are closed to users due to standing water. Park visitors using trails should avoid flooded areas and take extra precaution around storm drains.

    Park staff will not be able to assess the damage and safety of the affected areas until the standing water recedes. Closure updates and alerts will be communicated through the region twitter account and the park’s website.

    Drone footage taken Monday of the road damage can be viewed here: https://vimeo.com/827056746?share=copy

    Cherry Creek State Park swim beach is underwater

    Right: Drone footage of the two washed out areas of East Lake View Road

  • State Patrol is Asking for Assistance in a Serious Injury Crash

  • Arapahoe County Administration Building: Closed Wednesday May 24

    ARAPAHOE COUNTY—May 24, 2023—Arapahoe County’s Administration Building at 5334 South Prince Street in Littleton will be closed Wednesday, May 24, due to a power outage. The building serves customers for the Assessor, Clerk and Recorder (Motor Vehicle, Marriage License, Passports and Public Records), Liquor Licensing and Treasurer. 
    All other County buildings remain open and are providing services. Many services provided at the Administration office can be accessed on the County’s website at www.arapahoegov.com. 
  • NRCS in Colorado Now Accepting Applications to Assist Producers Transitioning to Organic

    DENVER, CO, MAY 15, 2023 – Clint Evans, NRCS State Conservationist in Colorado announced today, funding availability for Colorado ag producers transitioning to organic operations. As part of the multi-agency Organic Transition Initiative (OTI), USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will dedicate financial and technical assistance to a new organic management standard. NRCS is accepting applications until June 15, 2023.

    The NRCS will help producers adopt the new organic management standard, which allows flexibility for producers to get the assistance and education they need such as attending workshops or requesting help from experts or mentors. It supports conservation practices required for organic certification and may provide foregone income reimbursement for dips in production during the transition period.

    Higher payment rates and other options are available for underserved producers including socially disadvantaged, beginning, veteran, and limited resource farmers and ranchers.

    How to Apply

    To apply or for more information, interested producers should contact their local Colorado NRCS field office located in the USDA Service Center that services their County. Eligible producers include farmers, ranchers, forest landowners, and other producers beginning or in the process of transitioning to organic certification. Applications are accepted at local NRCS field offices and must be received by 4:00p.m., June 15, 2023.

    About the Organic Transition Initiative

    These NRCS investments are part of the OTI, a multi-agency $300 million effort to support organic and transitioning producers. OTI also includes farmer-to-farmer mentoring, direct support for crop insurance, and market development projects.

    In addition to NRCS, USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) and Risk Management Agency (RMA) are the primary agencies supporting OTI and are closely collaborating on implementation. As part of OTI’s cross-agency coordination, NRCS organic specialists will be closely connected with the AMS Transition to Organic Partnership Program regional partners, to align and share resources and best practices. NRCS and AMS’s National Organic Program also plan to coordinate data collection activities, to prevent transitioning farmers from having to submit duplicative information as much as possible. AMS will also soon announce a funding program to support the creation of new and improved markets for domestically produced organic products and provide critical companion resources to existing and transitioning organic producers.

    RMA reminds producers interested in the Transitional and Organic Grower Assistance Program, also part of OTI, to visit with their crop insurance agent for more information. Premium benefits for eligible policies will be automatically applied to the producer’s billing statement later this year.

    Other USDA Organic Assistance

    OTI complements existing assistance for organic producers, including FSA’s Organic Certification Cost Share Program which helps producers obtain or renew their organic certification.

    RMA also administers federal crop insurance options, including Whole Farm Revenue Protection and Micro Farm, which may be good options for organic producers.

    The National Organic Program is a federal regulatory program, administered by AMS, that develops and enforces consistent national standards for organically produced agricultural products sold in the United States.

    More Information

    For more information, visit farmers.gov/organic.

  • Colorado Governor vetoes state legislation aimed to delay wolf reintroduction

    Wildlife advocates applaud act to uphold the will of Colorado voters

    DENVER – Today, Colorado Governor Jared Polis vetoed Senate Bill 23-256, a controversial piece of legislation which would have delayed gray wolf reintroduction in the state pending the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) finalizing a ‘10(j) rule’ to grant Colorado management authority over the federally endangered species. SB 256 failed to provide any certain date for completion of a 10(j) rule or wolf reintroduction, despite requests for such an amendment. If it became law, the legislation could have delayed wolf reintroduction past December 31, 2023, which is mandated by state law as the reintroduction deadline. 

    “We are grateful to Governor Polis for vetoing SB-256, and ensuring that wolves will be reintroduced to Colorado by the end of the year,” said Lindsay Larris, wildlife program director for WildEarth Guardians. “For the past six weeks, the conservation community has been aggressively fighting this harmful legislation which would have thwarted the will of Colorado voters.”

    The conservation community’s opposition to the bill, even in its final form, was due to the harmful potential unintended consequences of legislation introduced at such a late stage in the federal planning process. The state has been working with the FWS for the past year to write a 10(j) management rule for gray wolves in Colorado which would allow significant management of the federally listed species by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The rule is scheduled to be finalized prior to wolf releases at the end of the year. A change in state law–such as enactment of SB-256–would have thrown an unnecessary wrench into the federal environmental review process, causing delays and potentially requiring additional funding from the state of Colorado. 

    “Coloradans who voted “Yes” on Proposition 114, believed that their vote to reintroduce wolves into the state by the end of 2023 would be respected by the state agencies and elected officials,” said Larris. “This legislation was a slap in the face to the voting public as well as those Coloradans who spent the past 2.5 years and hundreds of hours working on wolf planning and coordinating with federal officials. We are glad that the real work of planning for wolf reintroduction, conflict mitigation, and restoring this native species to its natural landscape can resume.”
  • Air Quality Health Advisory for Wildfire Smoke

    Issued for northeastern Colorado

    Issued at 6:00 AM MDT, Friday, May 19, 2023
    Issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

    Affected Area: > Larimer, Weld, Morgan, Logan, Sedgwick, Phillips, Boulder, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Gilpin, Jefferson, Denver, Adams, Arapahoe, Washington, Yuma, Douglas, Elbert, El Paso, Lincoln, Kit Carson, and Cheyenne Counties. Locations include, but are not limited to, Fort Collins, Greeley, Fort Morgan, Sterling, Julesburg, Holyoke, Boulder, Broomfield, Central City, Golden, Denver, Brighton, Littleton, Akron, Wray, Castle Rock, Colorado Springs, Kiowa, Hugo, Burlington, and Cheyenne Wells.

    Advisory in Effect: 6:00 AM MDT, Friday, May 19, 2023 to 4:00 PM MDT, Friday, May 19, 2023.
    Public Health Recommendations: If smoke is thick or becomes thick in your neighborhood you may want to remain indoors. This is especially true for those with heart disease, respiratory illnesses, the very young, and the elderly. Consider limiting outdoor activity when moderate to heavy smoke is present. Consider relocating temporarily if smoke is present indoors and is making you ill. If visibility is less than 5 miles in smoke in your neighborhood, smoke has reached levels that are unhealthy.

    Outlook: Several large wildfires are burning in Canada, resulting in heavy smoke across several states including northeastern Colorado. Moderate to heavy smoke will be possible through at least Friday afternoon, mainly at elevations below 8000 feet.

    For the latest Smoke Outlook, visit:

    For more information about smoke and your health, visit:
    For the latest Colorado statewide air quality conditions, forecasts, and advisories, visit:

  • Arapahoe County commissioners to discuss county funding during telephone town hall


    Commissioners want to hear from residents about service priorities 
    ARAPAHOE COUNTY, CO—May 18, 2023— Tonight, the Arapahoe County Board of Commissioners will host a telephone town hall to address the needs and priorities of County residents and discuss the significant challenges faced in funding these priorities.  
    The interactive town hall will share details of the County’s budget realities amid the backdrop of reduced revenues and increasing population growth. Residents can also ask questions during the live call.  
    Who:   Arapahoe County Commissioners 

    What:  Telephone Town Hall 


    When: Thursday, May 18 at 6:30 p.m. 
    Ways to Participate: 

    1.      Call: Dial 855-436-3656 and press *3 to ask a question during the event. 

    2.       This meeting will be livestreamed on the Arapahoe County Facebook page:    

    www.facebook.com/ArapahoeCounty. You do not need a Facebook account to go to the page and view the livestream.