
CBI to Host National Missing Children’s Day Event on Wednesday, May 25

The Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) will host a special event in honor of missing children in Colorado as part of National Missing Children’s Day beginning at noon on the west steps of the Capitol (200 E. Colfax Ave., Denver, CO 80203) on Wednesday, May 25, 2016.


CBI Director Mike Rankin will present an award to a 5th grade student Duyen Vu (First: You-in Last: Voo), from Rolling Hill Elementary in Aurora who won a statewide poster contest in recognition of National Missing Children’s Day. The second and third place winners will also be recognized at the ceremony. A proclamation signed by Governor John W. Hickenlooper will be presented at the event as well.


Tens of thousands of children are reported missing in the United States each year. Law enforcement, citizens, and even children have been instrumental in keeping children safe and returning them home to their families, communities and schools.


The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children® encourages families to Be There For Kids” to share age-appropriate information about personal and online safety issues. One of the many examples on the site focuses on how and not who. Instead of saying, “Don’t talk to strangers,” discuss methods would-be abductors may use, such as offering treats or money, asking for help, or showing a puppy or kitten.


Colorado law enforcement received more than 10,000 reports of missing children in 2015. The reports were primarily for runaways, and were resolved within a few days or weeks. However, as of January 1, 2016, there were 220 cases of long-term missing (those missing a year or more) juvenile cases still active in Colorado.


A balloon release in honor of missing children will conclude the event on May 25, 2016.

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