
Phase one of the Staunton cabin restoration complete

Over a nine-week period, volunteers spent 2,435 hours working on the historic Staunton cabin restoration project

PINE, Colo. – Despite all the physical challenges such as cold, snow and extreme heat, and the technical obstacles encountered in a 103 year old cabin, the crew from HistoriCorps and 70 volunteers completed phase one of the Staunton cabin restoration on June 18 at Staunton State Park.

In nine weeks from the start back on April 5, and with 2,435 volunteer hours (valued at $81,840), a new shake roof, internal structural supports, a new porch and a drainage ditch were constructed. All were completed within the guidelines set forth by History Colorado and the National Register of Historic Places (through the Department of the Interior).

HistoriCorps’ mission is to foster a preservation ethic by engaging volunteers and youth in saving historic places. Participants work alongside HistoriCorps’ seasoned professionals to learn preservation skills and put those skills to work on projects across the country.

Funding was provided by the State Historic Fund of History Colorado, Colorado Parks and Wildlife and Friends of Staunton State Park.

The Staunton cabin was built as a homestead in 1918, by Dr. Archibald and Dr. Rachael Staunton, two physicians who settled in the area along with their only child, daughter Frances. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2012.

Friends of Staunton State Park 501(c)(3), park management, the volunteers of Staunton State Park and park visitors are all keenly focused on restoring the Staunton Homestead cabin due to its historical significance and the educational opportunities it represents to future generations. Of major concern is the condition of the Staunton cabin, which has deteriorated over the years making both stabilization and preservation an urgent need to avoid losing the park’s namesake altogether. The restoration of the Staunton cabin is a cornerstone project of Friends of Staunton State Park and fundraising for this goal is actively underway. Community involvement is essential in acquiring grants needed to help restore this local treasure.

For more information on the upcoming restoration phases of the Staunton cabin or to make a donation on the Friends of Staunton State Park website.

Photos below
Top: photo from Sept. 7, 2018, showing the deteriorating condition of the Staunton cabin.
Bottom: Some of the volunteer crews working on the cabin restoration


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