
New Ownership For Mobile Home Park Brings Stability For Seniors

Arapahoe County is proud to have supported a critical component of quality of life by assisting fixed-income older adults with the purchase of their mobile home park.

Residents of the Meadowood Village Mobile Home Park in Littleton faced drastic increases in the cost of renting the lots under their mobile homes when their community was set to be sold for $18 million. Meadowood residents formed a cooperative that began work toward submitting an offer to buy the property. Doing so would allow Meadowood to become a resident-owned community and allow residents to remain in their homes.

Arapahoe County contributed a $750,000 grant to support the purchase. The County, with the City of Littleton, also provided a combined $75,000 for inspection and legal expenses. Additional funding came from other entities through various grants and loans. Following a year-long process, earlier this month, the Meadowood Cooperative became proud owners of their property.

“What Meadowood Village residents have accomplished is truly incredible and Arapahoe County Commissioners were honored to play a key role in helping the community become a resident-owned community,” said County Commissioner Carrie Warren-Gully. “Without this historic purchase, residents would be subject to rent hikes and eviction and would lose control over key decisions that affect their lives.”

Affordable housing is in short supply across the County and across the state. The Board of County Commissioners is seeking to increase the number of affordable units by 3% annually—a goal set in their strategic plan where housing is a top focus area. Since adopting the strategic plan, the County has contributed to numerous projects dedicated to safe and affordable housing with federal grants and funds. Housing-related funds typically come from the Community Development Block Grant, which supports affordable housing and economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income residents, and  . Over the last several years, the County has also been able to utilize one-time American Rescue Plan Act dollars to support housing diversity.

Learn more about other focus areas of the Board of County Commissioners and additional housing resources.


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