
Upgrading Colorado’s Education System

Bipartisan Hamner-Rankin Bill Creates Framework for Improving Colorado Schools  

The House voted 53-11 today to approve a bipartisan bill by Reps. Millie Hamner, D-Dillon, and Bob Rankin, R-Carbondale, to establish a legislative steering committee to create a strategic plan for the future of education in Colorado.

“I’m so pleased with today’s vote because it indicates that the vast majority of the House sees education as a top priority,” said Rep. Hamner. “It shows a bipartisan commitment to the future of our students and I hope is indicative of ongoing cooperation to improve our K-12 schools.”

HB17-1287 creates a legislative steering committee tasked with establishing a vision for the future of education in Colorado and developing a strategic plan to achieve that vision. The bill also creates an advisory board with representatives from the department of education, department of higher education, governor’s office and early childhood leadership commission. A second advisory board would consist of representatives from various education stakeholder groups from across the state.

The plan would involve:

·        Researching high-performing education systems in other states and countries to compare with Colorado’s current system

·        Collecting public input from teachers, parents and any groups wanting to be involved across the state

·        Analyzing information collected and creating the vision and strategic plan to achieve it

·        Adopting and implementing the plan

The bill continues to the Senate.

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