
Colorado State Patrol partners with local jurisdictions on statewide surge enforcement this Friday

(COLORADO) On Friday, August 4, 2023 CSP troops across the state will be partnering with local jurisdictions to reduce fatal crashes on the most traveled highways.  As the 100 deadliest days of travel begins to close, we know travelers are wanting to get in those last-minute trips before the kids go back to school.  It is our number one priority to ensure that everybody gets to their destinations safely.  There have been 8058 motorists contacted during surge enforcement efforts so far in 2023.  

Enforcement efforts alone do not save lives.  We need your help.

Ensure all occupants in a vehicle are bucked up.  Being thrown from a vehicle in a rollover crash could end tragically.  
Drive safe.  This includes putting the distractions aside and focusing all of your attention on driving.  Don’t engage in road rage.  Let those dangerous drivers get safely around you and if possible, have a passenger notify *CSP
Always drive sober.  Whether you are impaired by alcohol, recreational drugs or prescription medications, they all impair your ability to safely operate a vehicle.  Never get behind the wheel impaired.

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