
Celebrate Energy Savings on Weatherization Day

LITTLETON, CO — Arapahoe County is proud to celebrate Weatherization Day in Colorado and the 41st anniversary of the National Weatherization Assistance Program. Governor Hickenlooper has proclaimed Oct. 30 to be Weatherization Day in Colorado. October also is National Energy Awareness Month.

Arapahoe County’s Weatherization Division has been providing energy conservation services for more than 30 years and has weatherized more than 17,000 homes in Arapahoe and Adams Counties. 

Through an energy audit of your home, Arapahoe County Weatherization will identify common energy culprits, such as a lack of proper insulation and inefficient furnaces. The audit also identifies any health and safety issues, such as problems with combustion appliances. Weatherization technicians will then provide services needed to fix the identified issues and make your home more energy efficient and comfortable. Energy efficiency improvements also can lower monthly utility bills by 10 percent to 30 percent.

The program provides services to low-income households in Arapahoe and Adams counties with household incomes up to 200 percent of the federal poverty guideline ($4,100 gross per month for a family of four). Weatherization services are available to income-eligible owners and renters who reside in single-family homes, mobile homes and multifamily units.

For more information or to apply for weatherization services, please contact the Arapahoe County Weatherization Division at 303-636-1982 or visit www.arapahoegov.com/weatherization. Funding for weatherization services is provided by the Colorado Energy Office and the U.S. Department of Energy, Denver Regional Office.

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