
New Effort to Bolster Protection for State Troopers

DENVER – When a special spending request came from the Governor’s office, seeking supplemental funding for life-saving new equipment for the state’s frontline law enforcers, Colorado Springs Republican Kent Lambert was perfectly positioned to help, which he did by fast-tracking the proposal through the Senate Appropriations Committee Wednesday and bipartisan 2nd Reading passage by the Senate Thursday.

The $380,000 supplemental funding request, which will be used to purchase ceramic body armor, ballistic helmets, trauma kits and other equipment for members of the Colorado State Patrol, must clear one final vote in the Senate before moving to the House for action.  

A flurry of recent losses in our law enforcement community are tragic reminders that there is no danger-free day when we send these everyday heroes out to keep order and protect public safety, so I was pleased to help speed this request for new protective equipment through the process. Thanks are due Governor Hickenlooper for bringing this budget item forward, and I also appreciate my colleagues across the aisle for helping to ensure that troopers have the best chance of survival possible when they head into harm’s way each day. — Lambert, who is also chairman of the Colorado Rangers, a newly-authorized group of volunteer law enforcement officers



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