

  • Democrats Stand Up for Public Safety

    Democrats Stand Up for Public Safety

    Guns in Schools, Workplace, & High Capacity Magazines

    Wrapping up what has become an annual marathon, Democrats on the House State, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee voted to defeat three bills that would increase the likelihood and severity of gun violence in Colorado.

    My district borders the Aurora theater. That shooter hit 70 people in less than two minutes. My constituents know all too well the devastating impact of high-capacity magazines said Rep. Jovan Melton, D-Aurora. 

    Testifying against the bills were Jane Dougherty of Littleton, whose sister was killed in the 2012 school shooting in Newtown, Conn.; Tom Mauser, also of Littleton, whose son was killed in the 1999 shooting at Columbine High School; and representatives of the Colorado Education Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Colorado PTA, Safe Campus Colorado, Padres y Jóvenes Unidos, the League of Women Voters, Colorado Ceasefire, Colorado Faith Communities United to End Gun Violence, Hunters Against Gun Violence and Progress Now Colorado.

    Increasing the number and firepower of guns in our society is not the solution,” Rep. Mike Foote, D-Lafayette, the chairman of the State, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee, said after the panel’s eight-and-a-half-hour hearing on the three bills.

    Defeated on 6-3 party-line votes were these three bills:

    • HB17-1036

      Sponsored by Minority Leader Patrick Neville, R-Castle Rock, and Rep. Kim Ransom, R-Littleton, would have allowed anyone with a concealed carry permit to have a gun on school grounds. “I believe teachers should focus on teaching and nurturing our children, not act as armed security,” Rep. Susan Lontine, D-Denver, told the committee.

    • HB17-1037

      the perennial “stand your ground” bill by Rep. Justin Everett, R-Littleton, granting immunity to workers who shoot people who enter their place of business on the suspicion that the intruder – or is it the customer? – poses a threat. Rep. Edie Hooton, D-Boulder, denounced the bill as “allowing any excuse to kill a human being just because you feel slightly threatened.”

    • HB17-1097

      sponsored by Reps. Lori Saine, R-Firestone, and Stephen Humphrey, R-Severance, to allow the sale or other transfer of high-capacity magazines like the 100-round magazine used by the shooter in the 2012 Aurora theater massacre. “My vote is to protect the public at large,” Rep. Adrienne Benavidez, D-Adams County, told the committee.  

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  • TODAY’S EVENTS – Saturday, Feb. 11


    • Bennett-Watkins Lions Club

      High Plains Diner, 100 Bennett Ave., Bennett @ 8:30 a.m. Contact Jo Brandenburg (303)908-0796.

    • Byers Masons

      Byers Masonic Lodge @ 8 p.m.

    • Screen printing

      Bennett Anythink library, 495 Seventh St. @ 10:30 a.m. Tweens through adults will discover the fun of screen printing while customizing their own screen-printed note card in this workshop with Denver-based InkLounge.

    • Computer tutelage

      Bennett Anythink library, 495 Seventh St. @ 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. One-on-one technical assistance in half-hour segments on a first-come, first-served basis.

    • Movie Night: I Am Not Ashamed

      Calvary Chapel Bennett, at the Bennett Community Center, 1100 Colfax Ave. will host a free movie night featuring “I’m Not Ashamed,” the true story of Rachel Scott at Columbine High School. The evening will begin with free hot dogs and popcorn served from @ 6 – 6:40 p.m., followed by the film at 6:45 p.m. Rachel Scott was the first student killed in the Columbine High School massacre on April 20,1999. The movie is rated PG-13.


    • LOL

      Bennett Anythink library, 495 Seventh St. @ 1 – 4 p.m. Families can demonstrate their “Love of LEGOs” by creating original designs and participating in group or individual building challenges. LEGOs are supplied.


    • Byers 2A Regional Wrestling Tourney @ Sterling, time TBA
    • Byers Basketball C, JV & V @ Frontier Academy, 2 p.m.
    • Strasburg High School- Boys & Girls basketball @ Limon, 4 p.m.
    • Strasburg High School-Knowledge Bowl @ University
    • Strasburg Wrestling @ Regionals – Eaton
    • SMPRD Pee Wee Basketball, Hemp Hill Middle School Gym, 9 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
    • Bennett High School Wrestling Regional – All Day
    • Bennett High School Basketball @ Platte Canyon, 2:30 p.m.

  • Crusade Attracts More Coloradans: “Don’t Take Away Our Care”

    Crusade Attracts More Coloradans: “Don’t Take Away Our Care”

    ….588,000 Coloradans Will Lose Health Care:

    DENVER— State Senator Irene Aguilar, Colorado AFL-CIO Executive Director Sam Gilchrist, small business owners and community members joined the nationwide Save My Care Bus Tour to stand against Republican lawmakers’ efforts to dismantle Connect for Health Colorado and repeal the Affordable Care Act. At a press conference outside the State Capitol organized by Save My Care, Progress Now Colorado, Colorado Health Initiative and Healthier Colorado, community members called on lawmakers to reject State Senate Bill 3, which would scrap the state’s health exchange, and protect Coloradans’ access to health care. 

    It’s unconscionable that our representatives are considering legislation that will take health care away from hundreds of thousands of Coloradans. Health care is a fundamental right. Our legislators must oppose Senate Bill 3 and stand against any effort to take quality, affordable care away from working families. said Sam Gilchrist, Executive Director of the Colorado AFL-CIO

    Coloradans fear the impact..

    For small business owners like me, repealing the Affordable Care Act could mean bankruptcy and homelessness,” said Howard Paul, a self-employed commercial photographer, writer and editor. “Without the insurance I obtained under the Affordable Care Act, I may go bankrupt or lose my home and business—or even die. Today, I am terrified of what will happen if Congress votes to take health care away from hundreds of thousands of Coloradans like me.

    The ACA (Affordable Care Act) allowed me to enroll in Medicaid, get my health back on track and complete my doctorate degree,” said Dr. Reyna Ulibarri, a doctorate in sociology and Denver area resident. “If I can continue my upward path with the help of Medicaid, I hope to return to work by next year. I don’t know what I will do if the Affordable Care Act is repealed and I lose my access to care. Honestly, I’m terrified.

    If the Colorado health exchange is repealed, my history of heart problems and cancer could be considered pre-existing conditions and leave me completely uninsurable, said Ann Cowie-Bozner, a Denver metro area resident. I am 60 years old. I still have a lot to contribute to society and without health insurance, I am not sure that can happen.

    In both Denver and Washington, Republican lawmakers are rushing forward with proposals that would strip health care away from hundreds of thousands of Coloradans. At the State Capitol, the Senate Finance Committee will hold a hearing on Senate Bill 3, which would undermine quality of care for everyone and throw the state’s entire health care system into chaos. In Congress, U.S. Senator Cory Gardner and his fellow Republican lawmakers are backing a reckless repeal plan that will take health coverage from 30 million Americans and destroy 39,000 jobs in Colorado. 

    Save My Care Bus Tour’s two-month, cross-country tour focuses on telling the stories of the more than 30 million Americans who will lose their health care under Congress’ dangerous repeal plan.

    Share your story with us!

    Tell us how changes to Connect for Health Colorado and the Affordable Care Act will impact you

    @I70Scout #ConnectForHealthColorado #CHC #AffordableCareAct #ACA #Obamacare



  • TODAY’S EVENTS: Friday, Feb. 10

    TODAY’S EVENTS: Friday, Feb. 10

    What’s Happening?!

    • Embossing with Valerie Doyle

      Bennett Anythink library, 495 Seventh St. @ 1 p.m. Adults will create sophisticated designs on one-of-a-kind cards with dimension through the process of embossing. 

    • Handiwork

      Bennett Anythink library, 495 Seventh St. @ 1 – 4 p.m. Adults can share their new knitting, crocheting, embroidery or other handiwork projects. Help available for new crafters at some gatherings.

    • Roses Are Red

      Davies Library, 303 Third Ave., Deer Trail  @ 2 – 3 p.m. Children ages 5-12 will create handmade Valentines for their loved ones.


    • Al-Anon family group.
      For more information call (303)888-4525.
    • Story time.
      Kelver Library, Byers @ 10 a.m.



    • Deer Trail High School Boys & Girls V Basketball v Genoa-Hugo/Karval @ DT, 5:00 p.m.

    • Byers Basketball C, JV & V vs Limon, 4 p.m.

    • Strasburg Boys Basketball vs. Resurrection Christian, 4:00 p.m.

    • Strasburg Girls @ Resurrection Christian, 4:00 p.m.

    • Strasburg Wrestling @ Regionals – Eaton

    • Cannon Youth Baseball Practice, Hemp Hill Middle School Gym, 6 – 7:30 p.m.

    • Bennett High School Wrestling Regional – ALL DAY

  • Local wrestlers at state-qualifying meets this weekend

    Regional wrestling tournaments to determine qualifiers for the Colorado State Wrestling Championships Feb. 16-18 at Pepsi Center in Denver are being held this weekend with competition slated to start tomorrow afternoon.

    As far as I-70 Corridor schools are concerned, Byers is taking part in 2A Region 3 at the Bank of Colorado Events Center on the campus of Northeastern Junior College in Sterling while both Bennett and Strasburg be at 3A Region 2 at Eaton High School. Both tournaments will start at 4 p.m. Friday with the first two rounds of competition.

    On Saturday, the next several rounds of competition at Eaton will start at 9 a.m. with the final round slated for 4 p.m.  The second day of wrestling at Sterling will start at 9:30 a.m. with the championships scheduled to start at 5 p.m. The championship round will be immediately followed by fourth-place wrestle-backs, if necessary.

    Admission for regional tournaments is $10 per session for adults and $6 for K-12 students or senior citizens 60 years or older. Wristbands for the entire tournament are available for $25 for adults or $15 for students and senior citizens.

    The top four placers in each weight in each regional tournament advances to the state tournament.

  • 2 men sought in shooting at Denver light rail station

    DENVER (AP) _ Denver police are looking for two men suspected of robbing and then killing a man at a light rail station.

    Police say the victim was at the Regional Transportation District station on Sheridan Boulevard at around 1 a.m. Tuesday when two masked men with backpacks approached him and robbed him at gunpoint. One of them then shot and killed the man and they both escaped.

    Police don’t believe the shooting connected with the killing of a transit guard near Union Station in downtown Denver last week.

  • TODAY’S EVENTS: Thursday, Feb. 9

    TODAY’S EVENTS: Thursday, Feb. 9

    What’s Happening?


    Observed annually on February 9th, grab a thin crust, chicago-style, deep dish or anything in between, pizza is amazing and an American favorite. Here are some interesting facts about pizza:

    1. Pepperoni is the most popular pizza; 36% of all pies ordered.
    2. Over 3 billion pizzas are sold in the USA each year; and add another 1 billion with frozen pizzas!
    3. 17% of all US Restaurants are pizzerias.
    4. Antica Pizzeria, the first Pizzeria, opened in Naples, Italy, in 1738.
    5. Gennaro Lombardi, the first Pizzeria in the United States, opened in 1895 in New York City.
    6. Americans consume on average 23 pounds of pizza per person each year.
    • I-70 Regional Economic Advancement Partnership

      Front Range Airport @ 11:45 a.m. Lunch available for $15.

    • Bennett Fire Protection District Board

      Station No. 3 @ 7 p.m.

    • Byers Park & Recreation District Board

      Quint Valley Fairgrounds @ 7 p.m.

    • Eastern Plains Honor Guard practice

      Strasburg American Legion Hall @ 7 p.m. Contact (303)719-8292.

    • Bingo for Books

      Bennett Anythink library, 495 Seventh St., @ 4:15 p.m. Contact (303)405-3231

    • Youth Wrestling Sign-ups

      Bennett Middle School. The Bennett Wrestling Club will host spring registration from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from Jan. 31 to Feb. 9 in the Bennett Middle School multipurpose room. Parents must provide a copy of the wrestler’s birth certificate at registration. The cost is $20 for the season. Practice runs from 6:30 – 8 p.m. starting Tuesday, Jan. 31, also in the multipurpose room. For more information, call James DuBois at (720)290-8716 or Seana DuBois at (720)290-8718.

    • Reservation Notice: Free Lunch for Local Business Owners

      A free lunch will be provided by High Plains Bank at the next I-70 Corridor Chamber of Commerce Lunch & Learn at Valley Bank Community Room in Strasburg @ 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 15. Reservations for lunch are needed by Monday, Feb. 13.  The gathering will center on a roundtable discussion of ideas about the opportunities and challenges of doing business along the I-70 Corridor. Donations will be accepted for Chamber outreach programs. Local businesses can RSVP by calling Rhonda at (303)644-4900. 


    • AA Strasburg Sobriety

      Saron Lutheran Church, 1656 Main St. Lane Shade, @ 7:30 p.m. Contact (303)717-2263.

    • Music & Movement

      Anythink Bennett library @ 10 a.m. Ages 2-6 can sing, dance and learn to play basic instruments. 

    • Family Story Time 

      Davies Library, Deer Trail @ 11 a.m. for ages 3-5.

    • Color Me Happy

      Bennett Anythink library @ 5:30 p.m. Adults color together for relaxation and conversation. Coloring sheets, colored pencils, instrumental music, and refreshments provided. 


    • Deer Trail Youth Wrestling @ 6:15 p.m.

    • Hemp Hill Middle School Girls vs. Brush, 4 p.m.

    • Strasburg Art Club, HS Art Room @ 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

    • Strasburg Wrestling Practice, SES cafeteria @ 3:45 – 6 p.m.

    • Strasburg Youth Strasburg Wrestling Practice, Hemp Hill Middle School Cafeteria, 6 – 8 p.m.

    • Bennett Rock-A-Thon @ ALL DAY

    • FBLA District Conf @ ALL DAY

    • Bennett Middle School Wrestling Tourney (this was changed from January 18, then February 7.) @ 3:00 p.m.

    • Bennett Middle School Girls Basketball @ Fort Logan (Sheridan), 4:15 p.m.

  • TODAY’S EVENTS – Wednesday, Feb. 8

    TODAY’S EVENTS – Wednesday, Feb. 8



    • Strasburg School Board

      Strasburg High School Community Room @ 6:30 p.m.

    • Crafternoon

      Bennett Anythink Library, 495 Seventh St, @ 4:15 p.m. Art Stop on the Go art-making workshop with the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art. Contact (303)405-3231.

    • IOU with Love

      Social Hour 6 – 7 p.m., meeting at 7 p.m., location varies. For location and directions, call (303)913-7094 or (303)261-0680 or visit www.iougivingcircle.com.

    • Energy Efficiency Seminar

      LITTLETON — Colorado State University in Arapahoe County will host a free home energy efficiency workshop from 7-8:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 8, at the Englewood Civic Center Community Room, 1000 Englewood Parkway. Attendees will learn tips to save energy at home, including ways to take advantage of free energy advice, rebates and resources. Xcel Energy’s Home Energy Squad will provide efficiency demonstrations. The Home Energy Squad visits homes to find gaps in energy efficiency. A technician will make money-saving recommendations and, if possible, perform efficiency upgrades while on-site. Participants will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a free Home Energy Squad visit and a free LED lightbulb. For more information and to reserve a space, contact Tim at or (303)738-7907.


    • Strasburg WinterFest Game Night and Dance, HS Main Gym, 6 – 9 p.m.

    • Strasburg High School-Board meeting, 6:30 p.m.

    • Strasburg Wrestling Practice, SES cafeteria, 3:45 – 6 p.m.

    • Strasburg Youth Strasburg Wrestling Practice, SES cafeteria, 6:15 – 8:15 p.m.


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  • NRCS in Colorado Announces Application CUTOFF Date for EQIP Enrollment

    NRCS in Colorado Announces Application CUTOFF Date for EQIP Enrollment

    Environmental Quality Incentives Applications MUST be received by Friday, February 17, 2017

    BYERS — Colorado landowners have until Friday, February 17, 2017 to submit an application for enrollment into the Natural Resources Conservation Service’s (NRCS) Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). Eligible applications received after the cutoff period may be considered during a later time and will be processed throughout the fiscal year as needed. Applications are accepted at all Colorado NRCS offices and USDA Service Centers. To locate an office near you please visit www.co.nrcs.usda.gov and select the CONTACT US link.

    EQIP provides voluntary financial assistance for conservation systems and 2017 enrollments will focus on measures to improve water quality and quantity as well as wildlife habitat for sage grouse, lesser prairie chicken, southwestern willow fly catcher, and many more species. The Program also offers opportunities for landowners to improve soil health and air quality and to enhance the conditions of grazing and forest lands and organic Ag operations.

    The NRCS office that services Arapahoe County, is located at 133 west Bijou Ave Byers, CO 80103 Applications MUST be received by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, February 17, 2017. To find out more information about EQIP please visit www.co.nrcs.usda.gov and select the PROGRAMS link or contact Sammie Molinaro at (303) 822-5257 or

  • Government Transparency Bill Killed

    Government Transparency Bill Killed

    Democrats Vote Against Open Records Bill

    DENVER— For the third session in a row, House Democrats killed legislation that sought to bring judicial branch transparency more in-line with the executive and legislative branches of government. The bill, House Bill 1029, sponsored by Representative Polly Lawrence (R-Roxborough Park), would have held the judicial branch to the same transparency standards established by the Colorado Open Records Act as the other two government branches, while still allowing for provisions to deny access to civil or administrative investigation records, or records related to trade secrets or other confidential information.

    House Bill 1029 was killed 6-3, on a party-line vote, in the House State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee.

    “The legislative branch has the sole constitutional authority to create laws not the judicial branch, and I am disappointed that for a third year in a row, Democrats failed to acknowledge the inequitable transparency in this branch of government and failed to support legislation to correct it,” said Lawrence. “Certainly there are protections unique to the judicial branch, but it should absolutely be held to the same standard of accountability and transparency that taxpayers deserve in Colorado.”