The local field offices will be reviewing the randomly selected tract list. Checking validity and to see if a HELC plan is already in place. If a plan already exists, a simple field visit should be made to ensure the plan is being followed. For those tracts w/o a plan in place NRCS should consider contacting the producers to request crop rotation/ tillage operations so they can see if the current system they are using follows soil loss and wetland rules.
Compliance status reviews are conducted to ensure that USDA program participants are complying with the highly erodible land conservation (HELC) and wetland conservation (WC) provisions. Status reviews require an inspection of the tract for a wetland review and a review to determine if required conservation plans or systems have been implemented are being maintained for HELC. If your tract was selected, you may have already received a letter or will in the near future.
The rule of thumb to follow: about 30% cover to maintain compliance in a normal small grain rotation. Remember each conservation plan is different.
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