
Tag: Polis

  • Governor Polis Provides Update on Colorado’s Response to  COVID-19 Pandemic

    Governor Polis Provides Update on Colorado’s Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

    DENVER – Gov. Polis today provided an update on Colorado’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

    “Colorado is in a better place than some of our neighboring states but we can’t let up when it comes to social distancing, mask-wearing, and washing our hands to slow the spread of the virus,” said Governor Jared Polis. “It’s up to each and every one of us to make sure we are taking the steps to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our community during this pandemic. While it is welcomed news that cases are not increasing,  we need to have the resolve to keep it up to have them start decreasing.”

    As a result of the mask-wearing order and the decision to close bars, Colorado is seeing COVID-19 cases plateau, but the Governor cautioned Coloradans that the state is in a precarious position and everyone must remain vigilant and continue following social distancing requirements, wearing masks, and washing hands. 

    Last week, the Attorney General’s office issued a cease-and-desist letter to Live Entertainment, the company responsible for these large-scale events in Weld County. The Attorney General’s office has proactively sent cease and desist orders to the organizers and promoters, Adixion Music, as well as the venue, Imperial Horse Racing Facility in Pierce, to stop these illegal events. The Governor discouraged Coloradans from purchasing tickets or attending these types of events because it is better for the community and noted that ticket holders may end up being scammed out of their money when these events are shut down.

    The Governor announced that starting Thursday, August 6, the Colorado COVID Relief Fund will begin accepting applications for the sixth round of funding. Organizations must apply by Aug. 20 at 7:00 p.m. Eligible community-based organizations across Colorado may apply for a general operating grant of up to $25,000. New to this deadline, the Fund will also accept applications from collaborative efforts that include three or more organizations to encourage community and regional coordination. All information will be updated on www.helpcoloradonow.org on Wednesday, August 5, and Coloradans can also email .  To date, the fund has raised more than $22 million and distributed $16.4 million to more than 750 organizations serving Coloradans in all 64 counties. 

    Governor Polis was excited to announce that after speaking with Vice President Pence over the weekend, the National Guard’s deployment has been extended until the end of the year. The Governor thanked the National Guard men and women for all their hard work to help Colorado respond to the coronavirus pandemic. Last week, the Colorado National Guard reached a testing milestone in support of the State’s ongoing COVID-19 testing across Colorado, testing 20,000 Coloradans at 122 testing sites in 28 counties and 34 cities.

    Governor Polis also extended an Executive Order today declaring a state of disaster emergency and providing additional funds for the pandemic response. 


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  • Coloradans urged to be “Can Do Consumers” in an effort to stay safe while helping statewide local businesses thrive

    Coloradans urged to be “Can Do Consumers” in an effort to stay safe while helping statewide local businesses thrive

    DENVER – The Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) is committed to Gov. Jared Polis’ plan to help safely reopen Colorado’s economy and protect the public from the spread of COVID-19 by challenging Coloradans to be “Can Do Consumers”. As part of the State’s “Can Do Colorado” campaign, which highlights practices and innovations by businesses who are stepping up and transforming the way they operate to support their communities, Coloradans can now find guidance on how to safely and responsibly resume using all the wonderful services provided by these businesses in our state.

    “Many businesses are stepping up with innovative solutions to help keep their customers and clients safe. Now it’s time for Colorado consumers to do their part to keep themselves and others healthy while supporting our state’s economy” said DORA Executive Director Patty Salazar. “Customers, clients and patients all have roles to play to ensure that Colorado remains resilient in the face of this pandemic. We are proud to offer resources and guides for Coloradans to learn how they can become ‘Can Do Consumers.”

    The “Can Do Colorado” campaign and website launched in early May, providing a dedicated space for people to learn about Coloradans who are creating new, safe ways to serve their clients and customers. The site also provides business owners and professionals with resources and guidance about how they can safely and responsibly reopen, and has incorporated “Can Do Community Challenges” from DORA’s sister agencies working to ensure Colorado emerges from the pandemic stronger than ever. 

    Now, with the addition of the “Can Do Consumers” initiative, visitors to the site will find health and safety tips on effective ways to comply with policies and rules when visiting businesses, as well as resources on how to find local businesses who are operating safely and innovatively. Coloradans can also find information on ways to avoid COVID-19 scams and frauds.

    Follow along to see new highlights from the campaign on the website and on social media at #CanDoColorado and #DoingMyPartCO. Denver branding, marketing and technology company Karsh Hagan is managing aspects of campaign marketing and design pro-bono.

    Please note: The featured practices are not an endorsement or recommendation of any one individual or business by DORA. Rather, the campaign is meant to highlight innovative and best practices used by businesses in the midst of COVID-19 restrictions.



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  • State health department issues public health order reducing in-person work and increasing social distancing

    State health department issues public health order reducing in-person work and increasing social distancing

    In accordance with Governor Polis’ executive order, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment issued a public health order implementing a 50% reduction in non-essential business in-person work and increasing social distancing.

    In order to protect public health and safety and slow the spread of COVID-19, this public health order increases social distancing and identifies critical workplaces that are exempt to make sure Colorado can provide goods and services to its people during the COVID-19 response.

    “We call on Colorado business leaders to join us in these efforts,” says Jill Hunsaker Ryan, executive director, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. “Help us protect Coloradans by using your best judgment about where your workplace fits in this public health order. It’s up to all of us to keep our workforce, partners, and the public safe.”

    As with all other recent public health orders, businesses are asked to voluntarily comply; however, counties and local public health agencies have the authority to enforce this order. Local law enforcement and/or the local public health agency may contact businesses to encourage them to voluntarily comply.  If the problem continues, the business could face civil or criminal action for a violation of the public health order. People who are concerned about noncompliance should express their concerns to the business first, and if you continue to have concerns, report them to local law enforcement or your local public health agency.

    The critical workplaces that are exempt include:

          •Health care operations.

    • Critical Infrastructure, including utilities, fuel supply and transmission, public water, telecommunications, transportation, hotels, organizations that provide for disadvantaged people, and food supply chain.
    • Critical Manufacturing, including food, beverages, chemicals, medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, sanitary products, agriculture.
    • Critical Retail, including grocery stores, liquor stores, farms, gas stations, restaurants and bars for takeout, marijuana dispensaries but only for medical or curbside delivery, hardware stores.
    • Critical Services, including trash and recycling, mail, shipping, laundromats, child care, building cleaning and maintenance, auto supply and repair, warehouses/distribution, funeral homes, crematoriums, cemeteries, animal shelters and rescues. 
    • News Media.
    • Financial Institutions.
    • Providers of Basic Necessities to Economically Disadvantaged Populations.
    • Construction.
    • Defense.
    • Public Safety Services like law enforcement, fire prevention and response, EMTs, security, disinfection, cleaning, building code enforcement, snow removal, auto repair.
    • Vendors that Provide Critical Services or Products including logistics, child care, tech support, or contractors with critical government services.
    • “Critical Government Functions.”   

    Here are some examples of how this public health order could be implemented:

      • Critical businesses: (e.g., hospital): the 50% reduction in workforce will not apply, but social distancing (6 feet apart) and gathering no more than 10 people does apply, to the extent possible. 

    • Non-critical businesses (e.g., a retail storefront that sells goods other than food): the 50% reduction in workforce does apply. This can be done by implementing teleworking, staggering your workforce, or using other tools. Social distancing and gathering no more than 10 people also applies. If you can show that your employees and customers can maintain a distance of six feet from one another during work hours, you can fill out a waiver form that allows your business to continue operating at more than 50%. This “Self-certification for businesses” attestation form is available now at covid19.colorado.gov/schools-workplaces-community.   The order takes effect on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, at 8 a.m. and is set to last through 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 10, 2020.  The order may be extended, changed, ended or replaced, so it is important to follow local sources of good information, like covid19.colorado.gov to stay informed.    On March 5, CDPHE’s public health laboratory confirmed the first presumptive positive COVID-19 test result in Colorado. Since then, the number of confirmed cases has continued to climb. Colorado needs to take these precautions for the preservation of public health and safety throughout our entire State and to ensure our health care delivery system can serve those who are sick.     To read the public health order, click here. To see frequently asked questions, click here


    Continue to stay up to date by visiting covid19.colorado.gov.  


    El Departamento de Salud de Colorado emite una orden de salud pública para reducir el número de trabajadores presenciales en empleos “no críticos” y recomienda distancia social extrema

    DENVER, Marzo 23, 2020: De acuerdo con la orden ejecutiva del Gobernador Polis, el Departamento de Salud y Medio Ambiente de Colorado emitió una orden de salud pública que implementa una reducción de 50% de trabajadores presenciales en empleos “no críticos” y extrema distancia social.

    Con el fin de proteger la salud pública y disminuir el contagio del COVID-19, esta orden de salud pública incrementa la distancia social e identifica a los lugares de trabajo que están exentos, con el fin de asegurar que Colorado pueda proveer bienes y servicios mientras se combate el COVID-19. 

    “Le hacemos un llamado a los líderes de los negocios en Colorado para unirse a estos esfuerzos,” así los dijo Jill Hunsaker Ryan, Directora Ejecutiva del Departamento de Salud y Medio Ambiente de Colorado. “Ayúdenos a proteger a los habitantes de Colorado al usar el sentido común sobre en qué categoría su fuerza de trabajo se encuentra en la orden de salud pública.  Depende de nosotros mantener la fuerza laboral, asociados y la seguridad pública”.


    Los lugares de trabajo que están exentos, incluyen:  • Cuidado de salud.

    • Infraestructura esencial, incluyendo servicios básicos, gasolina, agua, telecomunicaciones, transportación, hoteles, organizaciones que brindan servicio a personas con necesidades especiales y alimentos. 
    • Manufactura esencial, alimentos, bebidas, químicos, equipo médico, farmacéutico, productos sanitarios, agricultura.
    • Ventas de minoristas, supermercados, licorerías, granjas, gasolineras, entrega a domicilio de restaurantes y bares, dispensarios de marihuana pero solo medicinal y la entrega será afuera del dispensario, ferreterías.  
    • Servicios esenciales, incluyendo basura y reciclaje, correo, envíos, lavanderías, cuidado infantil, mantenimiento y limpieza de edificios, talleres de autos, bodegas/distribución, funerarias, crematorios, cementerios, albergues y rescate animal.  
    • Medios de comunicación.
    • Instituciones financieras.
    • Proveedores de necesidades básicas para poblaciones en desventaja económica.
    • Construcción.
    • Defensa.
    • Servicios de seguridad como policías, bomberos, EMTs, seguridad, desinfección, limpieza, cumplimiento del código de edificios, limpieza de nieve y reparación de autos. 
    • Proveedores de servicios esenciales que incluyen logística, cuidado infantil, apoyo técnico o proveedores de servicios de gobierno esenciales.
    • “Funciones de Gobierno esenciales.”   

    Estos son algunos ejemplos de cómo podría ser implementada esta orde de salud pública:

      • Negocios esenciales: (por ejemplo hospital): la reducción del 50% de su fuerza laboral no aplica, pero distancia social (6 pies de distancia) y agrupaciones de no más de 10 personas si aplica, en la medida de lo posible. 

    • Negocios no esenciales (por ejemplo tiendas minoristas que no sean de alimentos): la reducción del 50% de la fuerza laboral aplica. Esto podría ser por medio de trabajo a distancia, escalonando su fuerza laboral o por medio de otras alternativas. Distancia social y no más en grupos de 10 personas aplica.  Si puede mostrarle a sus empleados y clientes a mantenerse en una distancia de 6 pies uno de otro durante las horas de trabajo, puede llenar un documento que le permite continuar operando con más del 50% de su fuerza laboral. Los puede encontrar en “Self-certification for businesses” attestation form en la página covid19.colorado.gov/schools-workplaces-community.   Esta orden toma efecto el martes 24 de marzo, 2020 a partir de las 8:00 a.m. y está pautado hasta las 11:59 p.m. del viernes, 10 de abril, 2020.   El 5 de marzo, el laboratorio del CDPHE confirmó el primer caso presuntamente positivo del COVID-19 en Colorado. Desde esa fecha, el número de casos confirmados se han incrementado.  Colorado necesita tomar estas medidas de precaución para salvaguardar la salud pública y la seguridad en en el estado de Colorado y así asegurar que el sistema del cuidado de salud pueda atender a todos lo que están enfermos.     Para leer la orden pública visite  aqui.  Para preguntas frecuentes visite aqui.   

    Actualizaciones en  covid19.colorado.gov.


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  • Gov. Polis Provides Update on State’s Response  to COVID-19

    Gov. Polis Provides Update on State’s Response to COVID-19

    Gov. Polis declared a state of emergency in response to COVID-19 (coronavirus). The declaration will help ensure resources are available to the state to combat COVID-19. 

    “Our top priority is protecting public health and our vulnerable populations which is why we are taking swift bold action. Our administration’s response will be guided by the science and lessons learned from the countries and states that this virus arrived in first” said Governor Jared Polis. “We will continue to be proactive and working around the clock to protect public health and safety with an eye towards preventing the need for more drastic measures that result in social disruption.” 

    “In order to slow the spread of the disease, some of the most effective measures we can take as a state is to test more people so that those who test positive can be isolated from the general population as we continue to stress the need for personal action such as staying home when sick, keeping their kids home when they’re sick and diligently washing your hands,” said Jill Hunsaker Ryan, executive director, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. “We thank everyone who has been involved with this containment effort for their tireless efforts and works to ensure the people of our state are safe.”

    Details of the executive order: 

    • Directs Colorado Department of Labor and Employment to engage in emergency rulemaking to ensure workers in food handling, hospitality, child care, health care, and education can get paid sick leave to miss work if they exhibit flu-like symptoms and have to miss work awaiting testing results for COVID-19. 
    • For workers who test positive and lack access to paid leave, the Governor is directing CDLE to identify additional supports and wage replacement such as access to unemployment insurance.  These steps are especially important for those who work with vulnerable populations like older Coloradans and those with underlying health issues. When those workers lack access to paid sick leave, it poses a great risk to our ability to protect the public. 
    • Directs DPA to engage in emergency rulemaking regarding state employees. The administration wants to ensure that state functions continue to run smoothly. For employees who may be put either in quarantine or isolation and can work from home, they should do so. If these workers fall ill and cannot perform their duties, they will be able to use paid leave, and the state will be flexible with that paid leave. For impacted employees who cannot work remotely, such as correctional officers, assisted living staff, etc., the administration is working to ensure paid leave options for those who are ill to ensure that those workers can continue to put food on the table while protecting public health.
    • Directs the Department of Revenue to temporarily allow Coloradans over the age of 65 – a vulnerable population – to extend their driver’s licenses online to avoid having to congregate at DMVs at this time.
    • Starting tomorrow, the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment will be opening a drive-up lab at their facility in Lowry to test anyone who has a note from their doctor stating that they meet the criteria for testing. Let me repeat because this is important, you must still have a doctor’s order to get tested at the new drive-up lab. That facility is located at 8100 E Lowry Blvd, Denver, CO 80230.

    The Governor issued the executive order verbally. The Governor encouraged the private sector of Colorado to voluntarily offer paid sick leave so that we can collectively do our part to contain the virus.

    The Governor was joined by Rachel Herlihy, State Communicable Disease Epidemiologist, CDPHE, Scott Bookman, Incident Commander, CDPHE, Mike Willis, Director, Colorado Office of Emergency Management, Stan Hilkey, Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Public Safety, Joe Barela, Executive Director of the Department of Labor and Employment today at the state capitol. 

    Yesterday, the Polis administration took action to ensure Coloradans can get tested for COVID-19 without financial fear. Last week, the Governor directed all state agencies to implement the State Emergency Operations Plan. This is a plan that the state has used in the past to respond to a variety of incidents, including natural disasters like fires and floods, and it is designed to ensure we have the resources and systems in place to respond to COVID-19. 



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  • Gov. Polis Appoints New Court of Appeals Judges

    Gov. Polis Appoints New Court of Appeals Judges

    DENVER — Gov. Polis today announced the appointments of David H. Yun, Sueanna P. Johnson, and Christina F. Gomez to the Colorado Court of Appeals. These vacancies are occasioned by the retirement of the Honorable Robert D. Hawthorne, Honorable Daniel M. Taubman, and Honorable John R. Webb.

    Yun is a Partner at Jaudon & Avery LLP, a position he has held since 2001. His practice consists of civil appeals and professional licensing matters. Previously, he was a Partner (2000-2001) and an Associate (1993-2001) with Long and Jaudon, P.C. Yun earned his B.A. from the University of Colorado Boulder in 1989 and his J.D. from the University of Colorado School of Law in 1993. 

    Johnson is a Senior Assistant Attorney General at the Colorado Attorney General’s Office, a position she has held since 2017. Her practice consists of civil enforcement litigation in securities matters, appellate litigation, and general counsel work. Previously, she was an Assistant Attorney General (2004-2017); and a Law Clerk to Judge John Coughlin, Denver District Court (2003-2004). Johnson earned her B.A. from Colorado College in 1997 and her J.D. from the University of Colorado School of Law in 2003. 

    Gomez is a Partner at Holland & Hart LLP in Denver, a position she has held since 2012.  Her practice consists of appellate litigation as well as review of quasi-judicial orders from governmental bodies. Previously, she was an Associate with Holland & Hart (2004-2011). Gomez earned her B.A. from Millsaps College in 1996 and her J.D. from Harvard Law School in 2002.

    Johnson’s appointment is effective February 13, 2020, Gomez’s appointment is effective February 25, 2020, and Yun’s appointment is effective February 29, 2020.



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