
Tag: local news paper

  • Gardner to Self-Quarantine Following Contact with Coloradan who Tested Positive for Coronavirus

    Gardner to Self-Quarantine Following Contact with Coloradan who Tested Positive for Coronavirus

    Washington, D.C. – Today U.S. Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO) released the following statement regarding his decision to self-quarantine after contact with a Colorado constituent who was visiting Washington, D.C. and later tested positive for coronavirus. 

    “I was alerted today by the Tri-County Health Department that a Coloradan who visited my Washington office for a constituent meeting has tested positive for coronavirus. While I am not showing any symptoms at this time, I have made the decision to self-quarantine out of an abundance of caution with an effective date of March 11th at the recommendation of the Tri-County Health Department. The health and safety of Coloradans and Americans across the nation is my top priority, and I will continue working to make sure Congress provides the resources needed to help combat the spread of COVID-19,” said Senator Gardner.

    Senator Gardner is taking action to protect Coloradans from the COVID-19 outbreak:

    • On March 17, Gardner requested that the Federal Emergency Management Agency provide clear guidelines to state and local governments on the options available to them under the national emergency declaration.
    • On March 17, Gardner also called for additional provisions known as the American Workforce Act to support American workers and boost the economy to be included in the economic stimulus package being considered by the Senate in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
    • On March 16, Gardner urged the Department of Veterans Affairs to take every precaution to ensure veterans receive quality medical care during the COVID-19 outbreak.
    • Congress approved $8.3 billion for the United States to prepare for and respond to the COVID-19 outbreak on March 5, with Gardner’s support.
    • At Gardner’s urging, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) Ambassador Robert Lighthizer removed tariffs on certain medical products that are necessary for the U.S. to prepare for the COVID-19 outbreak.
    • On March 4, Gardner pressed Senate witnesses about the United States’ preparedness for the COVID-19 outbreak at a hearing held by the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Aviation and Space’s hearing titled “From SARS to Coronavirus: Examining the Role of Global Aviation in Containing the Spread of Infectious Disease.”
    • Gardner and the entire Colorado congressional delegation sent a letter to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Wellness and Response on March 4 in support of the State of Colorado’s grant request to ensure preparedness for the novel coronavirus outbreak.  
    • On February 28, Gardner wrote to United States Trade Representative (USTR) Ambassador Robert Lighthizer requesting USTR remove section 301 import tariffs on medical products that are necessary for the U.S. to prepare for the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.
    • On February 27, Gardner wrote to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Federal Aviation Administrator Steve Dickson requesting information regarding the United States’ domestic and international screening and prevention practices for the coronavirus with regard to countries with a growing number of hotspots.
    • On February 6, Gardner wrote to Senate Appropriations leaders requesting that they work with the Department of Health and Human Services to ensure robust funding for the outbreak response.
    • On January 31, Gardner wrote to World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros concerning Taiwan’s exclusion from the WHO and WHO-sponsored emergency briefings regarding the coronavirus.
    • Also on January 31, Gardner wrote to Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Azar requesting that the novel coronavirus taskforce coordinate with medical supply manufacturers to ensure that the U.S. has a medical supply strategy in place to address possible shortages in light of potential further spread of the virus.
    • In January after the first reports of the coronavirus were confirmed in the U.S., Gardner contacted the CDC to inquire about steps that they plan to take to contain the outbreak and work with other domestic and international agencies to develop screening practices and treatments.
    • Gardner also contacted the State Department with concerns about the coronavirus and its implication for global health, and China’s handling of the outbreak.
    • At Gardner’s urging on January 24, the U.S. Senate Committees on Foreign Relations and Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions held a briefing from top U.S. officials regarding the coronavirus.




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  • State Labor Department Updates on Unemployment Claims, Worker Resources

    Denver — Today the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) provided updates on the impact of the Coronavirus on unemployment claims and demand for services. Just as all labor departments are feeling increased requests for assistance, the Colorado Labor Department has seen a surge in unemployment claims from 400 on March 7th to more than 6,800 on March 17th.

    CDLE experienced unprecedented traffic to the unemployment call center and file-a-claim website, causing slow processing times for applications. The department is implementing system maintenance to accommodate unprecedented demand and increase capacity and stability.

    The department is also encouraging workers who are experiencing a temporary or permanent reduction in hours or wages to consider part-time employment in other industries seeing an increase in demand for goods or services, such as delivery, logistics, transportation, healthcare or retail such as grocery stores and warehouses. The department plans to work with these industries directly over the coming days to identify opportunities to match workers who are unemployed with hiring employers.  

    More information and resources for workers is available at coloradoui.gov. Employers can contact 303-318-9100 or for information on programs on workforce reductions and other assistance. The state’s Rapid Response program can also assist employers with a variety of resources https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdle/layoffassistance



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  • State Capitol to Closed to Public Indefinitely 

    DENVER – The Colorado state capitol will be closed to the public indefinitely. 

    In order to adhere to social distancing guidelines from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment and the Center for Disease Control the capitol building will remain closed to the public until further notice.  

    Staff and members of the media will continue to be allowed in the building at this time. 





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  • COVID-19 and the operation of Colorado’s courts.

    COVID-19 and the operation of Colorado’s courts.

    DENVER — Colorado Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan B. Coats announced March 17 that he has entered an order regarding COVID-19 and the operation of Colorado’s courts.

    The order suspends some court operations, specifically all jury calls in state courts, except for jury calls for criminal trials facing imminent speedy trial deadlines, and allows for the provision of other ongoing court operations. 

    The order suspends jury calls through April 3, 2020, at which time the need for ongoing measures will be evaluated.  

    “While the timely administration of justice is the cornerstone of our judicial system, protection of public health and safety and the wellbeing of our judicial staff is of paramount importance,” Coats said. “We can no longer continue with normal business operations, but in the interest of all Coloradans we are also unable to cease operating entirely. Balancing those factors, I entered today’s order.”

    The Courts otherwise remain open and will continue operations for matters including, but not limited to:

    • Petitions for temporary civil protection orders and permanent protection order hearings;
    • Petitions for temporary emergency risk protection orders and hearings on emergency risk protection orders;
    • P. Rule 5 advisement for incarcerated persons and the initial setting of bail;
    • Revocation hearings on complaints to revoke probation involving an incarcerated defendant;
    • Proceedings necessary to protect the constitutional rights of criminal defendants including bond-related matters and plea agreements for incarcerated individuals;
    • Detention hearings for juvenile delinquency cases;
    • Shelter hearings in dependency and neglect cases or other juvenile proceedings;
    • Petitions for appointment of an emergency guardian and/or special conservator;
    • Hearings on motions to restrict parenting time and parental abduction prevention; and
    • Emergency mental health proceedings.

    Those with docketed court appearances unsure about whether to appear for a hearing, are asked to contact the clerk of court at their courthouse.



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  • CDPHE confirms 29 additional new positive cases in Colorado

    CDPHE confirms 29 additional new positive cases in Colorado

    DENVER, March 16, 2020: The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) confirmed 29 new positive cases of COVID-19 in Colorado, based on overnight test results reported through 3 p.m. yesterday. That brings the total number of positive cases to date to 160.

     The state can confirm completed test results on about 1,216 people by the state lab since testing started on February 28. Private labs are required to report positive test results to the state. Private labs are not required to report negative test results to the state, so we are not reporting total testing numbers for the state.

     Due to the high volume of tests being processed by the state lab and a need to get the information out quickly, today’s news release does not contain a demographic breakdown. Demographic data will be provided as soon as the lab is able to provide the statistical breakdown. 

     All presumptive positive cases are now considered positive. CDC is no longer performing confirmatory testing

     Continue to stay up to date by visiting colorado.gov/cdphe/2019-novel-coronavirus.



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  • Important information from IREA


    As of Monday, March 16, and until further notice, IREA has suspended most disconnections of electric service as customers cope with the spread of COVID-19/Coronavirus. We recognize the importance of reliable power, especially during trying times, and want our customers to focus on their health and safety rather than interruption of service due to financial issues. As of Monday, March 16, and until further notice, we also have closed our four offices – Conifer, Sedalia, Strasburg and Woodland Park – to walk-in payments. Drop boxes are available at all four locations. We encourage customers to make payment and manage their accounts through our self-service options: the My Account feature at www.IREA.coop and the automated voice system via (800) 332-9540. Both are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Outages can be reported 24/7 via (800) 332-9540 or via text. To sign up for outage text alerts, visit www.IREA.coop/outage-center/sign-up-for-outage-notifications. IREA continues to take additional precautions to promote employee safety and prevent the spread of COVID-19/Coronavirus. We are committed to maintaining reliable electric service and do not currently expect illness or supply chain disruptions to affect our customers’ electric service. Please look to www.IREA.coop and our social media channels – @IREAColorado on Twitter, IntermountainREA on Facebook – for updates regarding COVID-19/Coronavirus and IREA.



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  • CDPHE confirms 5 additional new presumptive positive cases in Colorado

    CDPHE confirms 5 additional new presumptive positive cases in Colorado

    CDPHE confirms 5 additional new presumptive positive cases in Colorado

    DENVER, March 13, 2020: The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) confirmed five new presumptive positive cases in Colorado, based on today’s test results. That brings the total number of presumptive positive cases to date to 77. The state lab has completed test results on more than 600 people in Colorado since testing started on February 28. 

    Because of the large number of new cases, CDPHE is shifting to report aggregate data for new cases, instead of listing details on each specific case. Additionally, the release of these updated numbers of cases will now be released once per day, at approximately noon.

    Total new presumptive positive cases: 5

    Age of individuals: • 20s – 1

    • 40s – 1
    • 60s – 2
    • 70s – 1

    County of residence: • Denver – 2

    • Douglas – 1
    • Gunnison – 1
    • Jefferson – 1

    Resident/Visitor: • Residents: 5

    • Visitors: 0

    Gender: • Female: 2

    • Male: 3 To ensure expedience on reporting presumptive positive cases, the state will provide overall testing statistics as soon as we are able on the website

    Continue to stay up to date by visiting colorado.gov/cdphe/2019-novel-coronavirus.


    CDPHE confirma 5 nuevos presuntos casos positivos en Colorado

    DENVER, Marzo 13, 2020: El Departamento de Salud y Medioambiente de Colorado (CDPHE) confirmó 5 nuevos presuntos casos en Colorado, basados en resultados de pruebas durante el día. La suma total es de 77.  El laboratorio ha hecho 600 pruebas aproximadamente en Colorado desde que se empezó con la realización de pruebas el 28 de febrero. 

    Debido al gran número de nuevos casos, CDPHE reportará información de nuevos casos, en lugar de dar los detalles de cada caso específico. Además, la publicación de estos números actualizados de casos ahora se harán una vez al día, aproximadamente al mediodía.


    Total casos presuntamente positivos: 5 

    Edad de las personas:

    • 20s – 1
    • 40s – 1
    • 60s – 2
    • 70s – 1

    Condado de residencia:

    • Denver – 2
    • Douglas – 1
    • Gunnison – 1
    • Jefferson – 1


    • Residentes: 5
    • Visitantes: 0


    • Femenino: 2
    • Masculino: 3

    Para asegurar la rapidez en reportar los presuntos casos positivos, el estado debe proveer estadísticas generales tan pronto sea posible en el siguiente website

  • CDPHE reopens drive-up testing site at the Denver Coliseum Saturday with support from the National Guard

    CDPHE reopens drive-up testing site at the Denver Coliseum Saturday with support from the National Guard

    DENVER, March 13, 2020: CDPHE will reopen its drive-up testing site in Denver tomorrow, Saturday, March 14, in a new location at the Denver Coliseum, 4600 Humboldt St, Denver, CO, 80216. CDPHE moved the testing to a new location for safety and logistical reasons, and it will be staffed by a National Guard medical team.

    This will be a drive-up testing site for patients meeting the requirements listed below. This location will be open 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 14. The testing center will be able to serve the first 100-150 people in line. 

    After Saturday, CDPHE plans to move the drive-up testing operation from Denver to strategic locations throughout Colorado in an effort to detect cases early, identify community spread if it’s there, and launch targeted public health responses. CDPHE will post upcoming schedules and locations on our website as it becomes available. 

    The drive-up testing site served more than 650 Coloradans on Wednesday and Thursday, March 11 and 12. CDPHE has confirmed 10 positive cases from the first tests collected at the drive-up site on Wednesday, March 11. The CDPHE lab continues to process the tests collected from the drive-up site and is contacting each person individually to notify them of their results   Because Colorado now has the capacity for private labs to conduct testing, CDPHE encourages anyone who is symptomatic or who believes they may have been exposed to COVID-19 to call or email their physician first for guidance, obtain a doctor’s order for testing, and request information about private providers where you can get tested. Always call first before reporting to a health care facility for testing.    CDPHE and the National Guard have determined that traffic patterns, on-site staffing, and lab testing capabilities can handle a maximum of 100-150 vehicles in the drive-up queue.  • Testing at the drive-up site will take place from 10 a.m. – 2p.m. on Saturday, March 14.

    • The first 100-150 vehicles in the queue will have access to the drive-up testing; all other vehicles that arrive after that will be encouraged to seek testing from a private provider. Always call ahead and speak with the health care facility in advance before going there for testing or treatment.
    • If you have a medical emergency, call 911- do not report to the testing site, as it is not a care facility. If you have severe respiratory symptoms, especially shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, tell the dispatcher about your symptoms. Do not wait for a COVID-19 test to call 911.
    • If you are ill or suspect that you were exposed, but are not able to be immediately tested, please stay home, self-isolate, and contact your physician. 
    • For the safety of drive-up lab workers, hours of operation will be contingent upon safe weather. We will announce if we need to close the site due to unsafe conditions.
    • Unsafe conditions include any weather that can make personal protection equipment ineffective, such as any precipitation, wind, or colder temperatures. 
    • While waiting for their test results, individuals should stay at home. Those who receive positive test results may be issued isolation orders. Depending on test volume, we aim to contact individuals directly with their results within 72 hours. Continue to stay up to date by visiting colorado.gov/cdphe/2019-novel-coronavirus

    El Departamento de Salud y Medioambiente de Colorado (CDPHE) abrirá de nuevo un laboratorio móvil con el apoyo de la Guardia Nacional 


    DENVER, Marzo 13, 2020: CDPHE abrirá de nuevo un laboratorio móvil mañana sábado marzo 14 en su nueva ubicación en una nueva ubicación Denver Coliseum, 4600 Humboldt St, Denver, CO, 80216. CDPHE moverá el centro a un nuevo lugar por razones de logística y será con personal médico de la Guardia Nacional.

    Este laboratorio móvil será para personas que cumplan con el siguiente criterio.  Abrirá de 10:00 am -2:00 pm el sábado marzo 14.  El laboratorio podrá atender a las primeras 100-150 personas en la fila.

    Esto es con el objetivo de detectar los casos lo antes posible, identificar contagios en la comunidad y en caso de que así sea, responder adecuadamente.  CDPHE  anunciará horarios y lugares de estos laboratorios en nuestra página de internet tan pronto esté disponible.

    El laboratorio móvil atendió a más de 650 personas desde su apertura el miércoles 11 de marzo.

    Debido a que Colorado tiene la capacidad para que laboratorios privados hagan ahora las pruebas, CDPHE exhorta a cualquier persona que presente síntomas y que crea haber estado expuesto al COVID-19 a llamar o mandar un correo electrónico a su médico, obtener una orden para ser examinado y pedir información de proveedores privados donde se puedan realizar las pruebas.  Favor de llamar antes de acudir a un centro médico para ser examinado.  


    CDPHE y la Guardia Nacional determinaron  el tráfico, el personal y la capacidad del laboratorio para atender a un máximo de 100-150 vehículos en la fila.


    • Se atenderá de 10 a.m. – 2p.m. sábado Marzo 14.
    • Los primeros 100-150 vehículos tendrán acceso a las pruebas, los vehículo que lleguen después serán enviados a proveedores privados.  Siempre llame antes a su proveedor médico antes de acudir a un examen o tratamiento. 
    • Si tiene una emergencia llame al  911- no vaya al lugar de exámenes.  Si tiene dificultad para respirar, dígaselo al operador.  No espere por un examen de COVID-19 para llamar al 911.
    • Si está enfermo o cree que ha sido expuesto, pero no puede tener la prueba inmediatamente, quédese en casa, manténgase aislado y llame a su doctor. 
    • Para mantener la seguridad de los trabajadores, la operación del lugar dependerá del estado del tiempo y avisaremos si necesitamos cerrar el lugar. 
    • Condiciones no seguras incluyen equipo de protección inefectivo por el estado del tiempo como lluvia, viento o temperaturas bajas. 
    • Mientras esperan los resultados, las personas deben quedarse en casa.  Los casos positivos recibirán órdenes de aislamiento.  Dependiendo en el número de pruebas, se contactará a las personas directamente con sus resultados en los siguientes 72 horas.

    Actualizaciones colorado.gov/cdphe/2019-novel-coronavirus.



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  • Jeff Baker Event Cancelled.

    Jeff Baker Campaign said: “Following suit along with all other safety precautions and an abundance of caution, tomorrow’s event to support Jeff Baker’s campaign for Arapahoe County Commissioner to be held 3 pm -7 pm at Byers American Legion hall will be canceled. We will discuss another time for rescheduling and notify you all when that happens. As always, thank you for your continued support for Jeff Baker and his campaign efforts.”