Thousands are expected to descend on Civic Center Park this Saturday, April 29th from 10AM-2PM. The People’s Climate March on Denver is a collaborative effort of environmental, social, racial, economic justice groups, and will highlight the voices of communities that are most directly affected by the devastating impacts of climate change. It is being held in solidarity with more than 330 “sister marches” planned across the country and around the world.
“We must stand together to send a clear message that the health and protection of our people, environment, and places matters more than corporate profits,” said Hilda Nucete, Program Director at Protégete and a member of the Denver Climate March Steering Committee. “As a Latina I understand that if my community is not at the forefront of the decision-making process, we will disproportionately feel the impacts of climate change.”
The Denver Climate March planning team launched as a grassroots effort in January. “Climate change is the most critical issue facing my generation,” said Seth Maddox, one of the original co-founders of People’s Climate of Colorado, new nonprofit formed to support the march. “On the 100th day of the Trump administration, we march together to resist the undermining of environmental protections, the assault on clean water and air, and the attacks against indigenous communities, workers, people of color, immigrants, youth and students, working families, the LGBT+ community, women, and others whose rights are threatened.”
“The only way we can be defeated is if we lose sight of our love of the Earth and most importantly, if we lose sight of our love toward each other,” adds Emma Bray, co-founder of Kids Against Fracking and one of six youth plaintiffs challenging the government in Martinez v. Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.
“I’m marching because my immigrant family did not have the resources to provide the healthy food or knowledge about healthy lifestyles that we deserve,” said Adrian Nava, a member of Colorado’s People Alliance. “My parents have worked multiple jobs as long as I can remember, and it is not fair that our black and brown communities continue to work tirelessly for little in return to their families. Climate justice is for all of us, and should center our must vulnerable.”
Further details about the day:
10AM: Event begins, tabling opens, interfaith benediction
10:30AM: Assembling of groups for marching
11AM: Parade-style marching begins
11:30AM: Marchers will be arranged into a human aerial art image
12PM: Speakers and entertainment
2PM: Event concludes
– State Representative Joe Salazar, HD-31
– Celeste Razavi-Shearer-Spink and Sky Rosevelt Morris, Leadership Council of the American Indian Movement of Colorado
– No Enemies, an artists’ coalition
– Emma Bray, Kids Against Fracking and Earth Guardians
– Franklin Cruz, Cafe Cultura
– Matthew Bard, college student and Keep Colorado Green
– Tay Anderson, Denver Manual High School senior
– Tikdem Atsbaha, SEIU Local 105 Executive Board Member
– Denver Gay Men’s Chorus
An opportunity for members of the media to interview speakers will occur directly after the last speaker, behind the stage and under the media tent.
Follow us on social media with the hashtags: #DenverClimateMarch #WhyIMarch #WeResist #WeBuild #WeRise #PeoplesClimate.
For more information or to be put in contact with potential interviewees, please contact Jessica Goad, Communications Director at Conservation Colorado, at 720-206-4235 or Kaili Lambe, Digital and Communications Director at People’s Climate of Colorado, at 719-445-8332.