
Classified Ads

Classified Ads appear in 3 publications for 1 low price:

  1. The I-70 Scout, distributed by mail on Tuesdays to 7,500+ addresses,
  2. The Eastern Colorado News, distributed by mail on Saturdays to 1000 addresses; and
  3. Online, with a weekly average rate of 2,500+ visitors.

*Payment must be made at the time your ad is placed. Online payments are accepted by completing the form below. If you wish to pay by phone or in person just give us a call at 303.622.9796 or email .


*protected email*Classified Ad Rates:

(These rates do not apply to Service Directory or Bordered Classified ads.)

  • 1 Week: $12 for 15 words + 25¢ for each additional word
  • 2 Weeks: $22 for 15 words + 50¢ for each additional word
  • 3 Weeks: $30 for 15 words + 75¢ for each additional word
*All advertising submitted is subject to credit review and restrictions. Publication may be withheld on the basis of unpaid past due balance, credit ceiling limitation, or poor credit history. We reserve the right to refuse or reject without prior notice any copy submitted for publication. No changes or cancellations accepted after the noon deadline. When your ad is printed, please check for errors! Any error must be reported to the office immediately. Otherwise, we assume no responsibility for correction. We shall not be liable for failure to publish an ad or for typographical errors in publication except to the extent of the cost of the portion of the ad containing the error. We reserve the right to refuse or reject without prior notice any copy submitted for publication.

Submit Your Ad Online:

Be certain to include all information. Your ad will appear exactly as provided below, except where obvious editing is required. If you want your address or phone number to appear in the ad you must include it here.

    * = required
    1. State: * Zip: *
    2. State: * Zip: *
    3. captcha